THL Alexandra der Wasserman & THL Janvier der Wasserman THL Alexandra der Wasserman & THL Janvier der Wasserman
Court Date: 9/10/2022 (Court #2)
Event Name: Northshield Fall Coronation/Special Crown Tournament
Presenting Royalty: Ajax and Gaia
Reporter: Katerinka Lvovicha
Herald: Ysolt Pais de cuer
Supplementary Heralds: Beatriz de Cam, Abelard die Elster, Bridget ni Cathasaigh, Kolfinna
Silent Herald: Christiana Galyard de Caen
Signet: Sofonisba Vespasiana Gabrielli
Supplementary Signet: Farolfus Fillus Richardi
Senescal: Sorcha Bhuidhe
Toy Run Supervisor: Abelard die Elster

Evening, final court of TRM Gaia and Ajax. The augmentation of arms were awarded for making scrolls during the reign of Ajax and Gaia

Guenievre and Tom were crowned sovereign and consort after Tom won the day's tournament.

Awards Presented

  Award Name Persona Name
Pelican Alinore Wyndover
Brigits Flame, Order of Marguerite Larchier
Award of Arms Aelfwine
Award of Arms Hrefna Gellir
Award of Arms Jimena Taionez
Destrer, Order of the Rosamund Redmare
Cygnus, Award of the Gazenda da la Rocha
Cygnus, Award of the Calamus Schreiber
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Piero di Salvestro Verrocchi
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Valdis Grimmundsdottir
Laurel Aesa Olafskona
Augmentation of Arms Adalia Solario
Augmentation of Arms Apolonia Wiktoria Różaska
Augmentation of Arms Armond le Charpentier
Augmentation of Arms Bearaich machArailt-oicc
Augmentation of Arms Caintigern Inghen Gaughan
Augmentation of Arms Caitinia Ingen Lochloinn
Augmentation of Arms Caitriona inghean Criomthainn
Augmentation of Arms Caius Angelus
Augmentation of Arms Caoilfhionn inghean Mhaghnusa
Augmentation of Arms Cecily of York
Augmentation of Arms Clydwyn Gwehydd
Augmentation of Arms Deonysia of Rye
Augmentation of Arms Derbáil ingen Néill
Augmentation of Arms Farolfus filius Richardi
Augmentation of Arms Geirråðr hersir Kolbeinson
Augmentation of Arms Gwenhwyvar verch Owen ap Morgan
Augmentation of Arms Helen of Haldane
Augmentation of Arms Hermina Matilda de Ainesleah of Meredene
Augmentation of Arms Joya bint Arwa
Augmentation of Arms Judith Krahe vom Schwarzwald
Augmentation of Arms Judith of Northwode
Augmentation of Arms Kale Phokaina Kourkouaina
Augmentation of Arms Katerinka Lvovicha
Augmentation of Arms Kaydian Bladebreaker
Augmentation of Arms Marcial de Salas
Augmentation of Arms Margaret Malise de Kyrkyntolaghe
Augmentation of Arms Marguerite Larchier
Augmentation of Arms Meadhbh inghean Uí Néill
Augmentation of Arms Merouda Pendray
Augmentation of Arms Moirne ingen ui Connolly
Augmentation of Arms Morgan Olander
Augmentation of Arms Muirenn ingen Fhairchellaig
Augmentation of Arms Petranella Fitzallen of Weston
Augmentation of Arms Rosamund of Newenham
Augmentation of Arms Sayf al Qamar Tarik ibn Abdul
Augmentation of Arms Síthmaith Eccnaidh
Augmentation of Arms Sofonisba Vespasiana Gabrielli
Augmentation of Arms Alexina Laskaris
Augmentation of Arms Tancorix inigena Bivaidonas
Augmentation of Arms Tatiana Marana Melville
Augmentation of Arms Thora Heri
Augmentation of Arms Dalla Grimmsdottir
Augmentation of Arms Theodweard l'Archier
Augmentation of Arms Valka Ragnarsdottir
Augmentation of Arms Jonns Gunnarson
Augmentation of Arms Matilda The Less Innocent
Augmentation of Arms Christiana Galyard de Caen
Augmentation of Arms Gevehard von Baden

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