Rapier Combat Rapier Combat

Awards by Event

This is a list of events with courts that have awards presented by the Kingdom of Northshield. It does NOT include other Kingdoms or branches of the SCA (with the exception of First Coronation).

Event Name Court Date Award Count
1/7/2006 17
2/25/2006 2
5/23/2006 1
11/18/2006 3
**Thatsa Mare 2022 * * Weeeee're baaacck!!! 7/1/2022 6
1066 A Bridge Too Far 9/2/2005 7
12th Night 1/10/2009 8
12th Night and Baronial Investiture 1/5/2013 21
12th Night Celebration 1/8/2011 4
12th Night is Coming: Bring your Best 1/23/2016 3
21st Crown Tournament 5/10/2014 24
30th Baronial Anniversary and Baronial Championships 9/26/2009 0
30th Baronial Birthday Celebration 9/29/2007 3
35th Anniversary Celebration & Educational Collegium 5/3/2008 2
35th Anniversary of the Barony of Castel Rouge 5/28/2005 15
40th Northshield Crown Tournament & 20th Kingdom Anniversary***DATE CHANGE BY STALLARI ** 10/19/2024 11
50th Princess Sleeve Tourney 4/2/2022 5
A Big Herr-y Deal 1/17/2009 4
A Cold Day in L 2/1/2020 5
A Dark Ages Saga 9/3/2011 6
A Day of Fencing 4/29/2006 3
A Day of Squirrely Wrath 2/24/2007 2
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Crusades-Village Faire 9/2/2006 13
A Historical Haire Affaire: Gods & Goddesses 2/13/2010 3
A Japanese Haire Affaire 2/23/2013 7
A Midwinter's Day Feast 1/20/2024 5
A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver 11/13/2004 16
A Savory Haire Affaire 2/17/2018 16
A Scandanavian Haire Affaire 2/6/2016 17
A Sworded Affair 3/5/2011 6
A Viking Odyssey - Love on the Fjords! 9/1/2007 9
Ages of War 5/27/2006 3
Ages of War 5/28/2006 1
Ages of War - The Great Italian Wars 5/24/2008 5
Ages of War: Varangian Guard 5/26/2007 5
Ages of War: The Rus vs. The World 8/29/2009 9
All Garbed up and Nowhere to go-ethereal court 8/22/2020 11
All the Stick You Can Eat 6/4/2005 3
An Artful Haire Affaire 3/3/2007 17
An Italian Haire Affair 1/15/2005 8
And Now For Something Completely Different 1/29/2011 5
ARRG V: Short Boat, Long Ride 5/28/2006 3
ARRG XIII 5/24/2014 1
ARRG XV: World's End 5/28/2016 3
Autumn Rose 9/2/2006 4
Autumn Rose 9/1/2007 2
Autumn Rose XI 9/3/2005 13
Bacchus to Rome 9/3/2016 8
Bardic Blades V 8/6/2016 7
Bardic Blades VII 8/4/2018 3
Bardic Blades X 6/16/2022 6
Bardic Madness 3/31/2007 6
Bardic Madness XV 3/5/2005 10
Bardic Madness XVIII 4/25/2008 4
Bardic Madness XX: Back Where it All Began 2/27/2010 4
Bardic Madness XXIII 4/27/2013 7
Bardic Madness XXIIII 4/25/2014 4
Bardic Madness XXIX: The Bards of Avonwood 5/4/2019 3
Bardic Madness XXV 3/28/2015 5
Bardic Madness XXVI 4/16/2016 3
Bardic Madness XXVII Poisson d'Avril 4/1/2017 7
Bardic Madness XXVIII - Hortonville Hears a Who 4/7/2018 10
Battle of Clontarf 1000 Anniversary and Baronial Investiture 8/31/2014 12
Battlemoor 9/5/2015 2
Beowulf: Dude, Where's My Arm? 4/16/2005 8
Boar’s Head – Back to the Past – 40 years of Memories 12/1/2018 11
Boar's Head 12/10/2005 20
Boar's Head 12/13/2008 12
Boar's Head - "Celebration of Travellers" 12/8/2012 17
Boar's Head - A Traditional Yule 12/5/2015 14
Boar's Head - The Return of the Cherries 12/4/2004 28
Boar's Head 2009 12/5/2009 23
Boar's Head XL--Yule Aboard the Bonaventure 12/2/2017 18
Boar's Head XXX - A Boar's Tale 12/8/2007 20
Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores 12/3/2011 16
Boar's Head: A Grand Tour of Europe 12/3/2016 15
Boar's Head: Kristkindlmarkt and Baronial Investiture 12/9/2006 36
Border Skirmish 6/9/2012 3
Border Skirmish 6/12/2010 8
Border Skirmish 6/11/2016 12
Border Skirmish 6/13/2015 7
Border Skirmish 6/14/2014 9
Border Skirmish 6/8/2013 17
Border Skirmish 2011 6/25/2011 7
Border Skirmish III - Griffins vs. Dragons 6/24/2006 5
Border Skirmish IV 6/23/2007 6
Border Skirmish VI 6/13/2009 10
Border Skirmish XIV 6/10/2017 5
Border Skirmish XV 6/9/2018 8
Border Skirmish XVI 6/8/2019 11
Brrr... A Dern Cold Day in Hale Resurrected! 10/23/2010 5
BYOM VIII 8/28/2010 2
Byzantine Haire Affaire 2/18/2017 6
Castel Rouge 12th Night 2/3/2024 7
Castel Rouge 40th Anniversary Feast and Celebration 9/4/2010 15
Castle Fever 6/1/2019 9
Castle Fever 6/2/2018 5
Castle Fever 6/22/2024 8
Castle Fever 6/3/2023 2
Castle Fever - At the Castle 6/4/2016 9
Castle Fever - At the Castle 6/6/2015 10
Castle Fever – The Siege of Hohenzollern Castle 5/25/2012 3
Castle Fever 2009 - Tournament of Chivalry 5/23/2009 12
Castle Fever 2010 - Tournament of Chivalry 5/28/2010 7
Castle Fever XVI 6/11/2005 3
CeCil's Siege III 9/15/2007 27
Clothier’s Seminar North 11/19/2005 2
Constantinople to Istanbul - A Gimli Event 8/31/2024 2
Cripsin's Archery Thingy 8/23/2014 1
Crispin's Archery Thing 8/26/2023 6
Crispin's Archery Thing (CAT) 6/30/2012 2
Cross and Compass: The War of the Roses 8/18/2012 3
Crown Tournament 10/23/2004 22
Crown Tournament 10/8/2016 12
Crown Tourney 10/11/2008 6
Dancing, Heralds & Scribes, Oh My! - Northshield Heraldic and Scribal Symposium with Danse Macabre 9/17/2005 1
Danse Macabre 10/1/2016 5
Danze del Verro (Dance of the Boar) 12/2/2023 12
Day of Arbeau III---Seige Your Partner 10/7/2006 4
Day of Fencing 8/23/2008 2
Die by the Sword 2/22/2020 6
Die Four the Sword 1/27/2018 8
Eighth Coronet Tournament/Seventh Investiture 6/12/1999 1
Elephants and Red Castles 1/21/2012 4
Elevation of Dane of Needham to Order of Chivalry 6/12/2021 1
Eleventh Coronet Tournament/Tenth Investiture 11/11/2000 1
Ethereal Court - Elevation of Eyja Bassadóttir to Order of the Laurel 12/20/2020 1
Ethereal Court - It’s the GREAT Nordfest Charlie Brúnn 10/24/2020 10
Ethereal Court - Queen’s Prize 2/13/2021 6
Ethereal Court - SUN 11/14/2020 4
Ethereal Court - This Little Piggy Stayed Home 12/5/2020 6
Ethereal Court - Wishes and Waiting: A Hopeful Hybrid 7/11/2021 11
Ethereal Court for Feast of Isabelle 2/26/2022 13
Ethereal Court of Mimisbrunnr 6/27/2020 18
Ethereal Court of Northshield - Border Skirmish, Castle Fever, Castel Rouge 50th 6/13/2020 21
Ethereal Court of Northshield - Schützenfest/Mermaids Retreat 5/29/2020 16
Ethereal Court of Northshield - The Griffin's New Groove 5/9/2020 9
Ethereal Court of Northshield - Warriors & Warlords 7/11/2020 14
Ethereal Court-Venturing Forth 9/26/2020 10
Ethereal Royal Birthday Court 4/10/2021 11
Fall Coronation 9/12/2015 66
Fall Coronation 9/14/2013 18
Fall Coronation 9/13/2008 18
Fall Coronation 9/12/2009 50
Fall Coronation 9/11/2010 22
Fall Crown 10/10/2015 15
Fall Crown 2013 10/12/2013 11
Fall Crown Tournament 10/13/2007 6
Fall Crown Tourney 10/9/2010 14
Fall Crown Tourney 10/10/2009 8
Fall Stellar University of Northshield 11/15/2014 8
Feast of Boar’s Head(37) Sword and Mistletoe Tourney 12/6/2014 21
Feast of Boar's Head 12/7/2019 22
Feast of Boar's Head XXXIII: The Thistle and the Rose 12/4/2010 21
Feast of Bull’s Head 12/7/2013 24
Feast of Fools 4/24/2010 3
Feast of Fools 3/31/2012 9
Feast of the Boar's Head 12/3/2022 9
Feast of the Boar's Head 12/7/2024 17
Feast of the Boar's Head**NEW DATE ** 12/4/2021 14
Feast of the Venerable Bede - Ethereal Court 5/22/2021 9
Feud Glorious Food! 6/12/2010 7
Fifteenth Coronet Tournament/Fourteenth Investiture 10/5/2002 1
Fifth Coronet Tournament/Fourth Investiture 11/15/1997 1
Fighter School 2/20/2010 2
Fighter School XII 3/12/2005 11
Fighter School XVI 2/26/2011 9
Fighter School XVII 2/25/2012 6
Fighter's Retreat 12/17/2011 4
Fighters Retreat & Tournament of Chivalry 11/22/2014 8
Fighter's School 2/28/2015 23
Fighter's School 2/18/2022 0
Fighter's School 2/18/2023 4
Fighter's School 2/17/2024 10
Fighter's School XIII 3/11/2006 7
Fighters School XIV 2/23/2008 4
Fighter's Symposium and War College 4/15/2017 6
Fighting in the Shade 2/3/2018 5
Fighting in the Shade IX 2/16/2019 5
Final (Eighteenth) Investiture/First Crown Tournament 5/8/2004 1
First Coronation 10/16/2004 55
Fourteenth Coronet Tournament/Thirteenth Investiture 5/4/2002 1
Fourth Coronet Tournament/Third Investiture 6/28/1997 1
Free Tournament of Chivalry 11/20/2021 8
Great Northern Fiber Moot Woot and Shoot 8/26/2017 2
Great Western Regional FARE 6/1/2024 4
Griffin Needle Challenge 10/18/2013 2
Griffin Needle Challenge 10/24/2015 4
Gulf Wars 3/11/2024 1
Gulf Wars 3/12/2024 1
Gulf Wars 3/14/2024 21
Gulf Wars XIV 3/15/2005 2
Gulf Wars XVI 3/16/2007 4
Gulf Wars XVII 3/13/2008 8
Gulf Wars XVII 3/14/2008 1
Gulf Wars XVIII 3/20/2009 1
Gulf Wars XX 3/17/2011 43
Gulf Wars XXI 3/12/2012 1
Gulf Wars XXI 3/14/2012 8
Gulf Wars XXI 3/16/2012 5
Gulf Wars XXII 3/12/2013 7
Gulf Wars XXII 3/13/2013 1
Gulf Wars XXII 3/14/2013 1
Gulf Wars XXII 3/15/2013 2
Gulf Wars XXIII 3/14/2014 16
Gulf Wars XXIV 3/19/2015 12
Gulf Wars XXIV 3/20/2015 4
Gulf Wars XXIV 3/21/2015 1
Gulf Wars XXV 3/14/2016 1
Gulf Wars XXV 3/17/2016 19
Gulf Wars XXVI 3/16/2017 13
Gulf Wars XXVII 3/15/2018 15
Gulf Wars XXVII 3/16/2018 4
Gulf Wars XXVIII 3/11/2019 6
Gulf Wars XXVIII 3/12/2019 1
Gulf Wars XXVIII 3/13/2019 4
Gulf Wars XXVIII 3/14/2019 12
Gulf Wars XXVIII 3/15/2019 3
Gulf Wars XXX (2022) 3/17/2022 10
Gulf Wars XXXI 3/13/2023 1
Gulf Wars XXXI 3/16/2023 13
Hadrians Feld 8/24/2019 4
Hadrians Feld 8/17/2018 3
Hadrians Feld 8/26/2017 5
Hadrian's Feld and Northshield Rapier Academy 9/22/2012 6
Haire Affaire 3/13/2019 2
Haire Affaire - A March to War 2/21/2015 3
Haire Affaire of the Heart 3/28/2009 2
Haire Affaire: A New World Rediscovered 2/4/2006 6
Haire Affaire: Omens and Portents and Signs, Oh, My. 3/31/2012 5
Haustblot – A Norse Harvest Festival 9/22/2023 5
Haustblot- A Norse Harvest Festival 9/28/2024 4
Herald's and Scribe's Symposium 11/20/2004 4
Hertzkrieg 2/5/2011 2
Hertzkrieg 2/16/2013 6
Hertzkrieg 25 2/15/2020 4
Hertzkrieg XI 2/19/2005 18
Hertzkrieg XIV 2/9/2008 4
Hertzkrieg XVII 2/4/2012 7
Hertzkrieg XX 2/15/2014 8
Hertzkrieg XXI 2/14/2015 33
Hertzkrieg XXII 2/27/2016 19
Hertzkrieg XXIV 2/16/2019 5
Hertzkrieg XXV***NEW DATE** 4/23/2022 7
Hertzkrieg XXVII 3/2/2024 6
Highway to L 8/31/2019 18
Honor Over Glory 9/23/2017 5
Honor Over Glory 9/28/2014 8
Hromnice Celebration - Shire of Shattered Oak Celebrates 20 Years! 2/2/2008 8
Hrothgar's Hall - 10th ANNIVERSARY! 9/21/2019 3
Hrothgar's Hall VI 9/19/2015 8
Hrothgar's Hall VII 9/17/2016 3
Ides of March 3/29/2014 10
Ides of March 3/24/2018 3
Ides of March XXV 3/5/2016 8
Imbolc: A Gaelic Celebration of Spring 2/1/2014 8
Iron Wood Brewing and Vintning Symposium 9/28/2013 3
Its All Fun and Games II 10/22/2005 1
Its Only a Flesh Wound 1/23/2010 9
It's Only a Flesh Wound 1/29/2011 10
It's Only a Flesh Wound 1/26/2013 8
It's only a flesh wound 1/26/2008 2
It's Only a Flesh Wound 1/25/2014 12
It's only a flesh wound 2 1/31/2009 1
ITT's CAT! Idonea's Throwing Thing and Crispin's Archery Thing 5/27/2017 4
Kingdom A&S 4/22/2023 3
Kingdom A&S Competition 2/10/2018 5
Kingdom A&S Competition 2/9/2019 6
Kingdom A&S Faire 2/29/2020 15
Kingdom Althing 11/12/2005 5
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition 6/1/2024 1
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition & Display***NEW DATE** 6/11/2022 5
Kingdom SUN and Baronial Investiture 11/7/2009 13
Kings Ride 7/16/2005 5
Known World Academy of Rapier & Armored Combat Collegium 9/1/2018 1
Known World Academy of Rapier & Armored Combat Collegium 9/2/2018 3
Known World Academy of the Rapier (KWAR) 12/1/2007 5
Known World Bardic Congress and Cooks Collegium VII 8/31/2014 7
Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium 6/24/2023 2
Known World Metal & Glass Symposium 9/6/2015 0
Las Aventuras de la Liebra Iberica (Haire Affaire) 3/22/2014 14
Liars, Cheats and Thieves...This is not the Haire Affaire You're Looking For 4/2/2011 20
Life begins after 50 and Baronial Investiture 9/3/2021 4
Lions and Tigers and Slaves - Oh My! 1/27/2007 6
Live by The Sword - Hunt for the 6 Fingered Man 11/23/2019 2
Live By the Sword Plead the Fifth 1/26/2019 1
Love Feast XXI - Quests 9/24/2005 4
Lupercalia 3/4/2006 2
Lupercalia 2/16/2008 11
Lupercalia 3/2/2013 4
Lupercalia 2/18/2012 8
Lupercalia 2/27/2010 3
Lupercalia 2/1/2020 1
Lupercalia 2/24/2018 20
Lupercalia 2/7/2015 16
Lupercalia 2/20/2016 14
Lupercalia 2/11/2017 12
Lupercalia 2/25/2023 5
Mad Dogs 6/23/2007 12
Mad Dogs and Englishmen 8/21/2010 2
Masquerade II 10/27/2007 5
May Day Pie Snit 5/1/2010 1
Medieval Adventure Go Back in Time with The Monk Gardens 9/17/2016 5
Medieval Religions Symposium 10/22/2005 5
Mermaids Attacks XVII - We're tired of retreating! 6/5/2010 6
Mermaid's Retreat 6/4/2011 8
Mermaid's Retreat 5/30/2015 14
Mermaids Retreat XXIV Venetian Carnevale 6/3/2017 8
Mermaid's Retreat XXVI - Myths and Monsters 5/17/2019 3
Mermaids XIII 6/10/2006 6
Mermaids XIX: What were you expecting? 6/2/2012 3
Mermaid's XVI - Sweet 16 Coming out party 5/30/2009 9
Mermaids XXI 5/31/2014 3
Midsumar 7/18/2009 5
Midwinter Melee Practice and Command Staff Meeting 1/21/2023 2
Ministers and Magistrates 7/13/2013 6
Missile Mayhem: The First Volley 9/21/2019 2
Moorish Tavern 6/22/2013 8
Moorish Tavern 6/21/2014 7
Moorish Tavern - A Gryphons War 6/7/2008 1
Moorish Tavern XV 8/6/2005 10
Moorish Tavern XVI 8/5/2006 12
Moorish Tavern XVII 6/30/2007 8
Moorish Tavern, The Siege of Tunis 1535 6/26/2010 3
Moorish Tavern: Deeds of Honor 6/20/2015 4
Much Ado about Twelfth Night – An Elizabethan themed event 1/9/2010 17
Munchkin Mayhem: A Children Focused Event 6/30/2018 5
New Orders,A Premier Event 5/1/2015 3
New Orders,A Premier Event 5/2/2015 7
Ninth Coronet Tournament/Eighth Investiture 11/20/1999 1
Nordskogen 12th Night 1/19/2019 15
Nordskogen 40th Anniversary Twelfth Night Celebration 1/10/2015 20
Nordskogen Twelfth Night 1/4/2014 10
Nordskogen Twelfth Night: Dreikönigsfest 1/9/2016 30
Northern Realms War 6/20/2015 6
Northern Realms War 6/26/2016 7
Northern Realms War 6/23/2018 7
Northern Realms War 6/24/2017 14
Northern Realms War 6/21/2019 6
Northern Realms War 6/22/2019 1
Northshield 3rd Crown Tournament 5/14/2005 9
Northshield Crown Tournament 6/19/2021 15
Northshield Dance Seminar XXI 4/28/2007 2
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/8/2007 21
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/10/2005 7
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/11/2005 10
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/8/2012 17
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/10/2011 27
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/14/2019 9
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/9/2017 11
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/8/2018 73
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/10/2016 28
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/13/2014 39
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/15/2024 40
Northshield Fall Coronation 9/9/2023 25
Northshield Fall Coronation (Held Virtually) 9/11/2021 24
Northshield Fall Coronation/Sir Cecil's Siege 9/16/2006 22
Northshield Fall Coronation/Special Crown Tournament 9/10/2022 70
Northshield Fall Crown 10/14/2006 9
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament 10/8/2005 11
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament 10/9/2021 3
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament 10/12/2019 9
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament 10/13/2018 5
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament 10/14/2017 19
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament 10/11/2014 11
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament 10/8/2022 10
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament 10/14/2023 9
Northshield Fall Crown Tourney 10/8/2011 9
Northshield Fall Crown Tourney 10/13/2012 11
Northshield Heralds and Scribes Symposium 4/5/2014 3
Northshield Kingdom Arts and Sciences Open Division and Triathalon Tourney 2/13/2016 7
Northshield Kingdom Arts and Sciences Open Division and Triathlon Tourney 4/25/2015 8
Northshield Princess Sleeve Tournament 12/9/2017 8
Northshield Rapier Academy 10/14/2011 5
Northshield Rapier Academy 10/21/2006 6
Northshield Rapier Academy / Provost Challenge 4/23/2016 5
Northshield Rapier Acdemy 11/6/2004 18
Northshield Spring 2008 Crown Tournament 5/10/2008 6
Northshield Spring Coronation 4/14/2007 16
Northshield Spring Coronation 4/8/2006 34
Northshield Spring Coronation 4/9/2011 26
Northshield Spring Coronation 4/14/2012 26
Northshield Spring Coronation 4/12/2014 35
Northshield Spring Coronation 4/14/2018 49
Northshield Spring Coronation 4/8/2017 34
Northshield Spring Coronation 4/13/2019 12
Northshield Spring Coronation 4/9/2022 17
Northshield Spring Coronation (virtual) 4/18/2020 1
Northshield Spring Coronation and Jararvellir's 50ish Anniversary ***DATE CHANGE*** 4/1/2023 14
Northshield Spring Coronation**DATE CHANGE** 4/20/2024 32
Northshield Spring Crown 5/12/2007 10
Northshield Spring Crown Tounament 5/13/2006 8
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament 5/14/2022 16
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament 5/11/2019 8
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament 5/12/2018 8
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament 5/11/2024 8
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament 5/13/2023 10
Northshield Spring Crown Tournament. 5/13/2017 9
Northshield Spring Crown Tourney 5/12/2012 3
Northshield Spring Crown Tourney 5/14/2011 6
Northshield's regional fighter practice and war practice 5/20/2017 2
Novices' Day 5/7/2005 2
Novices, Neophytes & Knaves 10/2/2010 2
Novices, Neophytes and Knaves 10 - The Binary Edition 10/1/2011 5
Oh' Ship! 8/30/2013 3
Oh' Ship! 8/31/2013 2
Old Twelvey Night 1/15/2011 27
On the Silk Road - A Nordskogen Twelfth Night 1/7/2017 19
Pas d'Armes pour la splendeur et l'apparat de l'automne 9/29/2012 3
Pas d'Armes pour la splendeur et l'apparat de l'automne. 9/21/2013 7
Pas d'armes pour le faste et l'apparat du printemps 6/7/2014 5
Pas de Armes 8/22/2015 22
Pennsic 34 8/15/2005 2
Pennsic 34 8/16/2005 2
Pennsic 34 8/17/2005 19
Pennsic 34 8/18/2005 5
Pennsic 34 8/19/2005 6
Pennsic 40 8/10/2011 3
Pennsic 41 8/5/2012 1
Pennsic 41 8/6/2012 4
Pennsic 41 8/7/2012 1
Pennsic 41 8/8/2012 5
Pennsic 42 7/31/2013 12
Pennsic War 8/10/2010 1
Pennsic War 8/11/2010 9
Pennsic War 8/13/2010 2
Pennsic War 35 8/16/2006 6
Pennsic War 36 8/8/2007 12
Pennsic War 37 8/6/2008 6
Pennsic War 38 8/3/2009 3
Pennsic War 38 8/5/2009 14
Pennsic War 38 8/6/2009 1
Pennsic War 38 8/7/2009 3
Pennsic War 43 8/2/2014 5
Pennsic War 43 8/3/2014 14
Pennsic War 43 8/4/2014 1
Pennsic War 43 8/6/2014 6
Pennsic War 43 8/7/2014 7
Pennsic War 43 8/8/2014 4
Pennsic War 44 8/4/2015 1
Pennsic War 44 8/6/2015 7
Pennsic War 45 8/11/2016 10
Pennsic War 46 8/10/2017 20
Pennsic War 47 8/8/2018 9
Pennsic War 48 8/8/2019 29
Pennsic War 48 8/9/2019 0
Pennsic War 49 8/8/2022 3
Pennsic War 49 8/11/2022 20
Pennsic War 50 8/8/2023 1
Pennsic War 50 8/10/2023 9
Pennsic War 51 8/8/2024 13
Pie Snit II 11/18/2006 5
Pirate for a day 9/22/2018 2
Pirate for a Day 4: ARRRmageddon 9/16/2023 5
Pirates Ravage the Plains: A Period Pirate Event 1/19/2013 5
Poor Man's Pennsic 8/11/2012 7
Poor Man's Pennsic 8/6/2005 8
Poor Man's Pennsic 8/19/2023 3
Poor Man's Pennsic 8/17/2024 9
Poorman's Pennsic 8/12/2017 3
Poormans Pennsic 25: Silver Anniversary 8/27/2022 19
Poorman's Pennsic XVIII 8/14/2010 4
Poorman's Pennsic XXIII 7/28/2018 4
Provost Challenge 4/22/2017 3
Provost Challenge 4/28/2018 3
Provost Challenge 4/12/2008 4
Provost Challenge XV 9/27/2019 0
Provost Challenge XVIII 4/29/2023 4
Quest for Camelot 5/17/2014 17
Quest For Camelot 5/18/2013 4
Quest for Camelot 5/15/2008 0
Quest for Camelot 5/17/2008 7
Quest For Camelot 5/19/2007 12
Quest For Camelot 5/20/2006 15
Quest for Camelot 5/13/2010 10
Quest for Camelot 5/16/2009 7
Quest for Camelot 5/19/2012 5
Quest for Camelot 5/21/2011 4
Quest for Camelot VII 5/21/2005 13
Quest for Camelot XVI 5/15/2015 0
Quest for Camelot XVI 5/16/2015 19
Rabid Yale – Midsummers Night Dream 7/25/2015 5
Rabid Yale Hunt VIII 7/21/2007 5
Raid The Brewery 5/27/2023 4
Raid the Kitchen! 5/25/2013 3
Return of Hogmanay 1/7/2023 3
Revel by the Lake IV 9/24/2005 1
Rhythm & Bruise: Strong Like Bear 10/26/2013 17
Rhythm and Bruise 11/18/2017 3
Rhythm and Bruise 11/3/2018 4
Rhythm and Bruise 11/8/2008 4
Rhythm and Bruise 2; Feast of the Last Prince 11/7/2009 3
Rhythm and Bruise 2019 11/2/2019 6
Rhythm and Bruise 3: Tora Matsuri (Tiger Festival) 11/5/2011 9
Road to the Isle Xlll: 1349: We're Not Dead Yet! 4/18/2009 9
Rockhaven Archery Reloaded Too 6/29/2013 1
Roman Festival Sol and Luna 9/1/2018 5
Roman in the Gloamin' 9/3/2022 6
Rose Tournament 6/18/2011 7
Rumble In The Forest 1/6/2007 7
Sadeh - A Middle Eastern Coffee House Experience 1/31/2015 7
SCA 50 Year Celebration 6/26/2016 1
Schutzenfest 10/5/2013 4
Schützenfest XI 5/7/2016 11
Schützenfest XII 5/5/2018 9
Schützenfest XIII **NEW DATE** 5/21/2022 12
Schützenfest XIV 5/17/2024 4
Second Coronation of Northshield 4/9/2005 42
Seventeenth Coronet Tournament/Sixteenth Investiture 10/4/2003 1
Seventh Coronet Tournament/Sixth Investiture 11/14/1998 1
Shake, Rattle and Roll: Still surviving 900 years after the Verona earthquake 1/21/2017 3
Sharp Pointy Things 9/30/2023 5
Shattered Oak's 30th Anniversary 9/29/2018 6
Silfren Mere 2021 Marshal Clinics - Rapier and Princess Sleeve 7/31/2021 3
Silfren Mere 2022 Marshal Clinics - Rapier Combat and Princess Sleeve 6/25/2022 1
Silfren Mere Dance Seminar 11/3/2012 2
Silver Forest Ball 4/21/2007 4
Sixteenth Coronet Tournament/Fifteenth Investiture 5/3/2003 0
Sixth Coronet Tournament/Fifth Investiture 6/13/1998 0
Skirmish at the Border 6/10/2023 4
Spring Coronation 4/19/2008 11
Spring Coronation 4/3/2009 26
Spring Coronation 4/10/2010 17
Spring Coronation 4/9/2016 31
Spring Coronation 4/11/2015 20
Spring Coronation 4/13/2013 24
Spring Crown 5/9/2015 9
Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration 5/11/2013 14
Spring Crown Tournament of Rhys and Gwenhwyvar 5/14/2016 12
Spring Crown Tourney 5/8/2010 11
Spring Elevation Celebration 4/6/2024 5
Spring War Maneuvers 6/4/2022 5
ST Radegund's A&S Faire 8/27/2022 5
St Radegund's Arts and Science Faire 8/17/2013 4
St Radegunds Faire 8/19/2017 1
St Radegund's Faire 8/25/2018 6
St Radegund's Faire 8/28/2021 14
St. Katherine's 11/3/2007 3
St. Radegund’s Faire 8/27/2016 8
St. Radegund’s Rose Tournament 8/24/2024 11
St. Radegund's Fair 8/24/2012 4
St. Radegund's Faire 8/17/2019 17
St. Radegund's Kingdom Summer A&S Fair 8/20/2011 9
Stellar University of Northshield 2/9/2013 5
Stellar University of Northshield 11/9/2019 7
Stellar University of Northshield 11/13/2021 5
Stellar University of Northshield 11/11/2017 6
Stellar University of Northshield 11/5/2016 11
Stellar University of Northshield 11/7/2015 8
Stellar University of Northshield 2/8/2014 12
Stellar University of Northshield 11/11/2023 11
Stellar University of Northshield 11/11/2022 4
Stellar University of Northshield (SUN) 11/10/2018 3
Stellar University of Northshield (SUN) 11/12/2011 7
Stellar University of Northshield (SUN) 11/13/2010 9
Stellar University of Northshield (SUN) and Heralds & Scribes Symposium 6/16/2012 4
Sumarma'l 4/30/2005 5
SUN - Stellar University of Northshield 11/9/2024 15
Tacky Garb Ball 2/4/2017 5
Tacky Garb Ball Beach Party 1/26/2019 3
Tacky Garb Ball: Bring back the 80s 1/27/2018 3
Tenth Coronet Tournament/Ninth Investiture 6/24/2000 1
THACO 2 4/23/2011 2
THACO 5 4/19/2014 3
THACO 6 4/18/2015 5
That Moot Thingy XI 2/5/2011 6
That Moot Thingy XVII (17) - Coille Stoirmeil's 35th Birthday 2/25/2017 6
Thatsa Mare 6/26/2010 10
Thatsa Mare - "Cry Havoc!....." 6/17/2017 9
Thatsa Mare X Again 6/25/2005 9
Thatsa Mare XIX, The Norse Go A'Viking: It's not a job, It's an Adventure! 6/22/2013 12
Thatsa Mare XV 6/23/2012 6
Thatsa Mare XX 6/28/2014 2
Thatsa Mare XXIV: This Thatsa's For You! 6/30/2018 5
Thatsa Mare: Better Late than Never 7/8/2023 0
Thatsa Mare; Thatsa long way to go, but what an Event! 7/2/2011 8
Thatsa M-Arrrrrrrrr eh:Brigands, Corsairs and Raiders 6/27/2015 2
The Armored Combat Offering 4/24/2010 4
The Ethereal Final Court of Jehanette the Sovereign Queen. 4/4/2020 24
The Griffin Needle Challenge**DATE CHANGE** 9/24/2022 2
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic 2/4/2023 1
The Royal Crown Tournament of Stephen and Ailleanne 5/9/2009 7
The Skye is the Limit 9/5/2009 17
The War of the Roses 9/1/2023 0
The War of the Roses 9/4/2023 10
Third Coronet Tournament/Second Investiture 11/9/1996 1
Thirteenth Coronet Tournament/Twelfth Investiture 11/10/2001 0
To Die By the Sword-Plead the Fifth 4/6/2019 3
To Live Four the Sword 11/18/2017 8
TOC/TOD at Fighers Retreat 11/17/2018 7
Tournament of Chivalry 11/16/2019 5
Tournament of Chivalry 1/30/2016 11
Tournament of Chivalry 4/23/2005 6
Tournament of Chivalry 11/17/2007 2
Tournament of Chivalry 5/31/2008 8
Tournament of Chivalry 2/3/2007 11
Tournament of Chivalry 11/14/2009 6
Tournament of Chivalry 2/19/2011 5
Tournament of Chivalry 2/11/2012 4
Tournament of Chivalry 11/19/2022 3
Tournament of Chivalry (TOC) 10/28/2017 8
Tournament of Chivalry / Ides of March 3/23/2013 7
Tournament of Chivalry/Windhaven Baronial Changeover 2/14/2009 12
Tri- to Live by the Sword 10/29/2016 5
Tropical Parad-ice VIII 2/19/2005 1
Twelfth Coronet Tournament/Eleventh Investiture 6/9/2001 1
Twelfth Night 1/29/2005 30
Twelfth Night 1/13/2007 22
Twelfth Night 1/19/2008 19
Twelfth Night 1/11/2020 14
Twelfth Night 1/14/2023 13
Twelfth Night and Nordskogen 50th Anniversary 1/13/2024 11
Twelfth Night on the Venetian Rialto: Where East meets West 1/13/2018 22
Twelfth Night: Feasting, Frolicking, and Fools 1/7/2012 1
Une Fete D’Amor: For Love For The Crown 2/19/2011 8
Une Fete d’Amour VIII 2/18/2006 4
Une Fete d'Amour 2/19/2005 7
Une Fete d'Amour 2/16/2008 6
Wacky Garb Ball: A Midsummer Night's Dream**NEW DATE** 1/28/2023 2
Wacky Garb Ball: Blast from the Past 1/25/2025 5
Wacky Garb Ball: Heroes and Villains 1/25/2020 5
Wacky Garb Ball: Supernatural 1/27/2024 9
War of the Lilies XIX 6/8/2005 2
War Practice Weekend at The Roost II 6/8/2024 0
Warlords and Warriors XXIV 7/14/2017 3
Warlords and Warriors XXIV 7/15/2017 16
Warlords and Warriors XXV 7/13/2018 9
Warlords and Warriors XXV 7/14/2018 17
Warriors & Warlords XII: The Wars of the Roses 7/9/2005 27
Warriors & Warlords XXVII Three Times Lucky 7/14/2022 2
Warriors & Warlords XXVII Three Times Lucky 7/15/2022 12
Warriors & Warlords XXVII Three Times Lucky 7/16/2022 19
Warriors & Warlords XXVII Three Times Lucky 7/17/2022 1
Warriors and Warlords 7/12/2008 15
Warriors and Warlords 7/11/2009 15
Warriors and Warlords 7/9/2016 33
Warriors and Warlords 7/10/2015 4
Warriors and Warlords 7/11/2015 15
Warriors and Warlords 28 7/15/2023 14
Warriors and Warlords XIII 7/7/2006 3
Warriors and Warlords XIII 7/8/2006 20
Warriors and Warlords XIV 7/7/2007 24
Warriors and Warlords XIX 7/14/2012 12
Warriors and Warlords XVII 7/9/2010 4
Warriors and Warlords XVII 7/10/2010 19
Warriors and Warlords XVIII 7/9/2011 15
Warriors and Warlords XXI 7/11/2014 2
Warriors and Warlords XXI 7/12/2014 27
Warriors and Warlords XXIX 7/12/2024 5
Warriors and Warlords XXIX 7/13/2024 26
Warriors and Warlords XXVI 7/12/2019 9
Warriors and Warlords XXVI 7/13/2019 25
When in Rome (do as the Visigoths did)! 8/31/2012 5
Windhaven's Fall Fest 9/25/2010 3
Winter Knights: a 12th Night celebration 1/7/2012 19
Woodland Romp 6/19/2010 4
Woodland Romp III 6/11/2005 4
Woodland Romp: The Finale! 6/23/2012 3
Yule Feast - 'til You Surrender 1/14/2006 3
Yuletide 1/16/2016 10
Yuletide- Better Late than Never 1/3/2015 6
свята ніч (Ukrainian Christmas Eve) 1/6/2018 7

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