Change of Officer Procedure
When there is a change in any office in your group, the first responsibility of
the incoming officer is to notify their superior. This is done by filling out the
online form. The paper form is what is used for "official" notification since it
has space for the acknowledgements of three other officers in your group (and Baron/ess
in the case of the baronies).
A simple outline of what to do when you're changing officers:
- Determine who the replacement officer is (each group does this differently)
- The incoming officer fills out the online form--this is used to populate the warrant
database and to notify the chronicler & webminister of the changes.
- The incoming officer fills out the paper form, obtaining the necessary signatures,
and sends it, along with a short letter of introduction, to their Regional and Kingdom
Officers and keeps a copy in the local files.
- The Kingdom Officer will notify the incoming officer of their acceptance or explain
if there's a problem and then let the Chronicler and the Webminister know that
the change is acceptable.
Change of Officer Request Forms:
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