Many suggestions were made about this hat at Masquerade II Many suggestions were made about this hat at Masquerade II

How to Submit Names and Devices

All submissions sent after 1/1/2024 should use form version 4.0

Submitter date of birth and gender are no longer required. Persona gender is optional. If a new persona is being created for a trans person with an existing registration, please contact Keythong prior to submitting forms.

If a submitter requests that the submission be reviewed by a herald prior to being added to the internal letter, please note this on the forms.

New Paypal policy

  • To request to pay in this manner, we would prefer an indication within the documentation box of the form that Paypal would be preferred

  • This should include: Legal/mundane name, SCA name, and the email address used by Paypal. Providing alternate email addresses not linked to a Paypal account or attempting to send funds directly to the Paypal office will result in confusion and chaos

  • Keythong will send an email to the communication email address on the submitted item when the information is forwarded to the Paypal officer

  • The Paypal officer will send an invoice using the Paypal email, and there will be a 7 day time span in which to pay the invoice before it expires

A complete name submission (whether for your persona, alternate name, or household name) should include the following:

  • One copy of the Name Submission form digital copies should be sent in PDF, not as images.

  • One copy of all documentation for your name

  • A check for $5.00 US made out to "SCA - Northshield College of Heralds" or request to use Paypal

A complete device or badge submission should include the following:

  • One COLORED copy of the Device Submission form or Badge Submission form. Color copies should be done with color markers (Classic Crayola Markers are best.) For digital images sent via email, ensure that the colors used are standard primary and secondary colors. Blues and purples must be easily distinguished. Images are uploaded to OSCAR at 300 ppi and 2330-2700 px by 3150-4350 px. Very small thumbnail images will be returned.

  • One copy of any documentation for unusual charges (if applicable)

  • A check for $5.00 made out to "SCA - Northshield College of Heralds"

A single check or Paypal transaction may be written out for multiple items (e.g., name and device on one check, etc.)

Official SCA branches (Shires, Cantons, Baronies, Principalities, etc.) do NOT pay for their group name or device submission but still must enclose the appropriate paperwork. However, they must pay for other submissions (order names, badges, etc.).

Mail all materials to  Keythong Herald

Posted by: Calamus Schreiber Keythong Herald (Submissions Herald) (KLO) on 1/22/2023

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