Ciara inghean MaelPatraic in bardic competition Ciara inghean MaelPatraic in bardic competition

Kingdom Award Descriptions

| Non-Armigerous Awards | Vigilant | Youth Awards | Award of Arms Bearing | Grant of Arms Bearing | Patent of Arms Bearing | Royalty |

Non-Armigerous Awards
Augmentation of Arms - Blazon:

Augmentation of Arms (Total Presented: 133)

An Augmentation of Arms may be awarded by the Crown to specially honor a person for service to the Kingdom above and beyond the call of duty. Each augmentation is a specific charge at the Crown’s discretion, to be added to the individual’s heraldic arms.
Beare of Northshield - Blazon:

Beare of Northshield (Total Presented: 37)

Given to those who embody the spirit of the Kingdom. No more than one person may be admitted into this Order during any reign. Members of this Order may style themselves "Beares of Northshield". [previously known as Great Bear.]
Bravura - Blazon:

Bravura (Total Presented: 106)

The award will be bestowed upon gentles who have committed those heroic and specific deeds of valor, courtesy, or prowess in the arts martial and which have increased the renown and reputation of Northshield. This award is for individual deeds as opposed to constant performance. An example of the first might be leading a charge against a greater force at Pennsic, of the last, shooting a 300 IKAC. [previously known as the Nordbandr]
Courtesy of Northshield, Order of - Blazon:

Courtesy of Northshield, Order of (Total Presented: 23)

Admission to this Order may be granted to one who has, over time and with consistency, shown exemplary courtesy. Members are expected to continue conspicuous acts of courtesy, and to encourage others to that same standard of excellence.
Crwth, Order of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) A crwth argent

Crwth, Order of the (Total Presented: 54)

Given for proficiency in the performing arts (dance, bardic recitation, music, theater, etc.) Blazon:(Fieldless) A crwth argent.
Cypher, Consort's - Blazon:

Cypher, Consort's (Total Presented: 128)

Given for personal service to the Consort
Cypher, Heir's - Blazon:

Cypher, Heir's (Total Presented: 12)

Given for personal service to the Heir
Cypher, Heir's Consort's - Blazon:

Cypher, Heir's Consort's (Total Presented: 14)

Given for personal service to the Heir's Consort
Cypher, Joint Heir & Heir's Consort - Blazon:

Cypher, Joint Heir & Heir's Consort (Total Presented: 23)

Given for personal service to the Heirs
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort - Blazon:

Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort (Total Presented: 241)

Given for personal service to the Crown
Cypher, Sovereign's - Blazon:

Cypher, Sovereign's (Total Presented: 111)

Given for personal service to the King
Gems of Northshield, Order of the - Blazon: Sable, in cross four hexagonal gems argent

Gems of Northshield, Order of the (Total Presented: 30)

The Order of the Gems of Northshield may be given to honor groups (ex. Shires, Clans, Fighting Teams) who have, as a group, given outstanding service to the Kingdom. Blazon: Sable, in cross four hexagonal gems argent
Golden Peacock, Order of the - Blazon: Sable, a peacock in its pride within a bordure embattled Or

Golden Peacock, Order of the (Total Presented: 62)

Award for period appearance and attire in all the arts martial Blazon: Sable, a peacock in its pride within a bordure embattled Or.
Griffin of Northshield, Order of the - Blazon:

Griffin of Northshield, Order of the (Total Presented: 51)

25 years of continuous authorization and activity in the martial community - Members of this Order may style themselves "Venerable Griffins"
Hearthstead, Award of the - Blazon: Sable, a brazier Or enflamed proper within a bordure Or masoned sable

Hearthstead, Award of the (Total Presented: 62)

Given to groups who consistently (or specifically) excel at showing hospitality and hosting events. This award is not just for SCA branches; it is for any body of people that are a "group" (like a household, or archers, or Constables, etc.) Blazon: Sable, a brazier Or enflamed proper within a bordure Or masoned sable.
Pantheon of Northshield, Award of the - Blazon:

Pantheon of Northshield, Award of the (Total Presented: 21)

This Award shall be given to one who achieves a heroic and specific deed of valor or prowess in the areas of service or nonmartial arts. This deed shall be one which increases the renown and reputation of Northshield.
Pyxis, Order of the  - Blazon: (Fieldless) A cross clechy Or within and conjoined to an amulet argent

Pyxis, Order of the (Total Presented: 85)

Given for putting forth great effort at researching, creating and maintaining a period persona and atmosphere. Blazon: (Fieldless) A cross clechy Or within and conjoined to an annulet argent.
Rose - Blazon: Order of the Rose

Rose (Total Presented: 23)

The Order of the Rose consists of former Royal Consorts of a kingdom. It is specifically charged with encouraging chivalrous and courteous behavior among all members of the Society. (Fieldless) A wreath of roses. (Registered as both badge and regalia)
Saltire, Order of the - Blazon: Vert estencely argent, a saltire Or surmounted by a lozenge ployé argent

Saltire, Order of the (Total Presented: 54)

Membership in this order may be offered to an individual that has shown a proven record of widespread guidance and instruction, enriching the abilities of the Northshield populace. No more than four people may be admitted to this order in any reign. Members of the order may bear the badge: [Blazon] Vert estencely argent, a saltire Or surmounted by a lozenge ploye' argent.
Scroll of Honor - Blazon:

Scroll of Honor (Total Presented: 176)

A record of the worthy deeds of the people of Northshield and its friends. The Kingdom Herald or a deputy cares for the Scroll and insures that it is displayed at court. Principality Scroll of Honor
Vigil for Chivalry - Blazon:

Vigil for Chivalry (Total Presented: 43)

Vigil for Defense - Blazon:

Vigil for Defense (Total Presented: 20)

Vigil for Laurel - Blazon:

Vigil for Laurel (Total Presented: 53)

Vigil for Pelican - Blazon:

Vigil for Pelican (Total Presented: 63)

Youth Awards
Bellerophon, Award of - Blazon:

Bellerophon, Award of (Total Presented: 51)

Given to youth who have displayed prowess and courtesy in any of the Arts Martial.
Compass, Award of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) A pair of compasses Or

Compass, Award of the (Total Presented: 66)

Given to youth for exemplary service to the kingdom Blazon: (Fieldless) A pair of compasses Or.
Golden Lamp, Award of the  - Blazon:

Golden Lamp, Award of the (Total Presented: 15)

Given to youth for achievement in an Art and/or Science
White Owl, Award of the - Blazon:

White Owl, Award of the (Total Presented: 11)

Given to youth who demonstrate initiative in teaching.
Award of Arms Bearing
Award of Arms - Blazon:

Award of Arms (Total Presented: 1149)

Individuals who have shown consistency of effort over time within the arts, sciences, service or arts martial and willingness to maintain involvement in the SCA.
Black Bolt, Award of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) A lightning bolt bendwise sinister sable

Black Bolt, Award of the (Total Presented: 115)

Given to those who demonstrate prowess and chivalry in artillery activities, including a level of participation beyond their own personal endeavors. Blazon: (Fieldless) A lightning bolt bendwise sinister sable.
Black Flame, Award of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) A flame sable

Black Flame, Award of the (Total Presented: 464)

Given to those who show proficiency in one or more of the Arts or Sciences, including a level of participation beyond their own personal endeavors. [previously known as the Award of the Balefire] Blazon: (Fieldless) A flame sable.
Cygnus, Award of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) A swan naiant contourny Or

Cygnus, Award of the (Total Presented: 710)

Given to those who have performed substantial service to the Kingdom of Northshield. Blazon: (Fieldless) A swan naiant contourny Or
Glove, Award of the - Blazon:

Glove, Award of the (Total Presented: 167)

Given to those who demonstrate prowess and chivalric comportment in rapier combat, including a level of participation beyond their own personal endeavors. [formerly known as the Queen's Glove; registered as Order of the Glove]
Griffin & Sword, Award of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) In fess a sword argent sustained by a griffin Or

Griffin & Sword, Award of the (Total Presented: 235)

Given to those who demonstrate prowess and chivalric behavior in armored combat, including a level of participation beyond their own personal endeavors. [formerly known as the Griffin's Sword] Blazon: (Fieldless) A griffin Or sustaining a sword argent.
Palfrey, Award of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) A horse passant sable charged on the shoulder with a compass rose argent

Palfrey, Award of the (Total Presented: 28)

Given to those who demonstrate prowess and chivalry in equestrian activities, including a level of participation beyond their own personal endeavors. Blazon: (Fieldless) A horse passant sable charged on the shoulder with a compass rose argent.
Grant of Arms Bearing
Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) An eagle per pale Or and sable maintaining a lightning bolt sable and a lightning bolt Or

Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the (Total Presented: 52)

Given to those who have, over time, demonstrated great prowess, chivalry, and leadership in one or more of the Artillery Arts. Members will be responsible for continued, conspicuous activity in Artillery and for helping others become involved and proficient. [formerly known as the Aquila] Blazon: (Fieldless) An eagle per pale Or and sable maintaining a lightning bolt sable and a lightning bolt Or.
Black Griffin, Order of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) In fess a sword sustained
by a griffin sable.

Black Griffin, Order of the (Total Presented: 95)

Given to those who have, over time, demonstrated great prowess, chivalry, and leadership in Armored Combat. Members will be responsible for continued, conspicuous activity in Armored Combat and for helping others become involved and proficient. [formerly known as Iron Griffin Legion] Blazon: (Fieldless) A griffin sustaining a sword sable.
Brigits Flame, Order of  - Blazon: (Fieldless) A tourch argent enflamed proper

Brigits Flame, Order of (Total Presented: 208)

Given to those who have shown over time they enthusiastically strive for mastery in the Arts and/or Sciences, endeavoring to provide leadership and displaying courtesy. Members are expected to continue their pursuits in the Arts and/or Sciences and to help others find their own opportunities for enrichment therein. [formerly known as the Bridget's Flame] Blazon:(Fieldless) A torch argent enflamed proper.
Destrer, Order of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) A compass rose argent sustained by a horse rampant Or

Destrer, Order of the (Total Presented: 13)

Given to those who have, over time, demonstrated great prowess, chivalry, and leadership in Equestrian Arts. Members are expected to continue conspicuous activity in Equestrian arts, and to encourage others to become involved and proficient. Blazon: (Fieldless) A compass rose argent sustained by a horse rampant Or.
Hand of Tyr, Order of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) On a hand fesswise sable a Tyr rune argent

Hand of Tyr, Order of the (Total Presented: 288)

Given to those who have distinguished themselves over time by performing, with all due courtesy, outstanding service on behalf of the kingdom. Members are expected to continue conspicuous service and to help others find their own opportunities for service. [formerly known as the Order of Tyr] Blazon: (Fieldless) On a hand fesswise sable a Týr rune argent.
Ordo Circini Vitruvii [Order of Vitruvius' Caliper] - Blazon: Ordo Circini Vitruvii - Blazon: Sable, a keythong rampant maintaining a rapier, in chief a pair of calipers fesswise reversed argent

Ordo Circini Vitruvii [Order of Vitruvius' Caliper] (Total Presented: 47)

Given to those who, over time, have demonstrated great prowess, chivalry, and leadership in Rapier Combat. Members will be responsible for continued, conspicuous activity in Rapier Combat and for helping others become involved and proficient. Blazon: Sable, a keythong maintaining a rapier in chief a caliper argent
White Scarf of Northshield, Order of the - Blazon:

White Scarf of Northshield, Order of the (Total Presented: 27)

Given to those who, over time, have demonstrated great prowess, chivalry, and leadership in Rapier Combat. Members will be responsible for continued, conspicuous activity in Rapier Combat and for helping others become involved and proficient. [This order has been closed] Blazon: Sable, on a pale Or between two compass roses argent a rapier sable
Court Baron/Baroness - Blazon:

Court Baron/Baroness (Total Presented: 202)

Highest level GOA. The Estate of Court Barony may be bestowed by the Crown to those who have, over time, demonstrated exceptional and continual service to the Crown. Recipients may wear a coronet of silver adorned with six pearls and ornamented as they see fit.
Patent of Arms Bearing
Chivalry - Blazon:

Chivalry (Total Presented: 43)

The Chivalry consists of two equal parts: Knighthood and Mastery of Arms. No one may belong to both parts of the order at one time. When a member is admitted to the Chivalry by the Sovereign, the choice of which part of the order to join is made by the new member. The candidate must be considered the equal of his or her prospective peers with the basic weapons of tournament combat. To become a Knight, the candidate must swear fealty to the Crown of his or her kingdom during the knighting ceremony. Masters of Arms may choose to swear fealty, but are not required to do so. Blazon: (Fieldless) A circular chain. (For the Order of Knighthood) (Fieldless) A white belt. (For the Order of Knighthood) (Fieldless) A white baldric. (For the Order of Mastery of Arms)|
Defense - Blazon: Order of Defense

Defense (Total Presented: 22)

Members of the Order of Defense may choose to swear fealty, but are not required to do so. The candidate must be considered the equal of his or her prospective peers with the weapons of rapier or cut-and-thrust combat. Members are recognized for their great skill at rapier and/or cut-and-thrust combat, as well as for qualities of courtesy and grace, for their willingness to teach others, and for service to the kingdom. They are addressed as "Master" (name) or "Mistress" (name), and are entitled to wear a white livery collar and to bear the badge of the Order. Blazon: Three rapiers in pall inverted tips crossed.
Laurel - Blazon:

Laurel (Total Presented: 67)

Members of the Order of the Laurel may choose to swear fealty, but are not required to do so. The candidate must have attained the standard of excellence in skill and/or knowledge equal to that of his or her prospective peers in some area of the Arts or Sciences. The candidate must have applied this skill and/or knowledge for the instruction of members and service to the kingdom to an extent above and beyond that normally expected of members of the Society. Blazon:(Tinctureless) A laurel wreath.
Pelican - Blazon:

Pelican (Total Presented: 72)

Members of the Order of the Pelican may choose to swear fealty, but are not required to do so. The candidate must have attained the standard of service to the Society or any of its branches equal to that of his or her prospective peers, which is above and beyond that normally expected of members of the Society. Blazon: (Tinctureless) A pelican vulning itself. (Tinctureless) A pelican in its piety. (Fieldless) A chapeau gules trimmed ermine.
Unnamed Ranged Missile Peerage - Blazon:

Unnamed Ranged Missile Peerage (Total Presented: 0)

Unnamed Ranged Missile Peerage
Count/Countess - Blazon:

Count/Countess (Total Presented: 40)

Persons who have once reigned over a kingdom. (Fieldless) A coronet embattled, all gold, ornamented as the wearer sees fit. (Registered as both badge and regalia)
Duke/Duchess - Blazon:

Duke/Duchess (Total Presented: 23)

Persons who have reigned over a kingdom two or more times. (Fieldless) A coronet with strawberry leaves. (Registered as both badge and regalia)

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