Sing we now Sing we now
Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the - Blazon: (Fieldless) An eagle per pale Or and sable maintaining a lightning bolt sable and a lightning bolt Or

Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the (Total Presented: 53)

Given to those who have, over time, demonstrated great prowess, chivalry, and leadership in one or more of the Artillery Arts. Members will be responsible for continued, conspicuous activity in Artillery and for helping others become involved and proficient. [formerly known as the Aquila] Blazon: (Fieldless) An eagle per pale Or and sable maintaining a lightning bolt sable and a lightning bolt Or.
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Aine ingen MaelPatraic Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2024 Northshield Spring Crown Tournament Hans II and Genevieve II
Alessandro of Falcon's Keep Kingdom of Northshield 7/9/2016 Warriors and Warlords Rhys and Gwenhwyvar
Amalia St. Edmund Kingdom of Northshield 1/5/2013 12th Night and Baronial Investiture Yngvar and Luce
Aneka Gretadotter Kingdom of Northshield 5/7/2016 Schützenfest XI Rhys and Gwenhwyvar
Anne Geoffreys of Warwick Kingdom of Northshield 9/12/2015 Fall Coronation Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Aoife Cno Capaill Kingdom of Northshield 5/7/2016 Schützenfest XI Rhys and Gwenhwyvar
Arnbjørn Karlsson Kingdom of Northshield 12/4/2010 Feast of Boar's Head XXXIII: The Thistle and the Rose Hrodir II and Anne I
Augustein Baer Tesch Kingdom of Northshield 9/14/2019 Northshield Fall Coronation Jehanette
Azizah bint Da'ud Kingdom of Northshield 2/24/2018 Lupercalia Kaydian and Cassandra
Clare Agatha MacLeod Kingdom of Northshield 11/9/2024 SUN - Stellar University of Northshield Thorbrandr and Thora
Crispin Fletcher Kingdom of Northshield 12/8/2012 Boar's Head - "Celebration of Travellers" Yngvar and Luce
David DuPont Kingdom of Northshield 11/9/2024 SUN - Stellar University of Northshield Thorbrandr and Thora
Diarmait mac Dauid Kingdom of Northshield 10/8/2016 Crown Tournament Hrodir and Yehudah
Drazhan Simanov Kingdom of Northshield 1/27/2024 Wacky Garb Ball: Supernatural Yngvar III and Isabella
Elena Kiara verch Caerllwyen Kingdom of Northshield 10/26/2013 Rhythm & Bruise: Strong Like Bear Hrodir III and Anne II
Emeric atte Whytoke Kingdom of Northshield 11/7/2009 Kingdom SUN and Baronial Investiture Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Eyricke Rycard Kingdom of Northshield 5/7/2016 Schützenfest XI Rhys and Gwenhwyvar
Frost Froknarson Kingdom of Northshield 5/13/2023 Northshield Spring Crown Tournament Lars III and Mary III
Gavin Mag Aonghusa Kingdom of Northshield 11/14/2020 Ethereal Court - SUN Ciaran and Elis II
Gazenda da la Rocha Kingdom of Northshield 9/15/2024 Northshield Fall Coronation Thorbrandr and Thora
Geoffrey of Warwick Kingdom of Northshield 1/5/2013 12th Night and Baronial Investiture Yngvar and Luce
Ginevra Maddalena di Tomaso Volpe Kingdom of Northshield 7/11/2021 Ethereal Court - Wishes and Waiting: A Hopeful Hybrid Ciaran and Elis II
Guenievre du Dragon Vert Kingdom of Northshield 7/15/2017 Warlords and Warriors XXIV Konrad and Aibhilin
Gwyn CuCymry Kingdom of Northshield 5/27/2006 Ages of War Lars I and Mary I
Hrothgar the Lucky Kingdom of Northshield 10/16/2004 First Coronation Siegfried I and Bridei
Ilya Mstislavich Kingdom of Northshield 11/7/2009 Rhythm and Bruise 2; Feast of the Last Prince Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
James the Elder Kingdom of Northshield 2/16/2019 Fighting in the Shade IX Vladimir III and Petranella III
Johannes Þorsteinsson Kingdom of Northshield 9/9/2023 Northshield Fall Coronation Yngvar III and Isabella
John Bartholomew of Flanders Kingdom of Northshield 1/23/2010 Its Only a Flesh Wound Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Jois Corbet Kingdom of Northshield 10/22/2005 Medieval Religions Symposium Æsa and Kitadate-tenno
Knutr Olafsson Osiðar Kingdom of Northshield 6/22/2024 Castle Fever Hans II and Genevieve II
Mahir bil Tabla Kingdom of Northshield 9/16/2023 Pirate for a Day 4: ARRRmageddon Yngvar III and Isabella
Moira nicConnell the Strongbow Kingdom of Northshield 7/11/2009 Warriors and Warlords Stephen and Ailleanne
Padruig Maclennan Kingdom of Northshield 10/16/2004 First Coronation Siegfried I and Bridei
Rachelle Domonique de Brienne Kingdom of Northshield 2/1/2014 Imbolc: A Gaelic Celebration of Spring Hrodir III and Anne II
Rhys ab Ismael Kingdom of Northshield 12/2/2017 Boar's Head XL--Yule Aboard the Bonaventure Kaydian and Cassandra
Rhys ap Owein ap Gwyn Kingdom of Northshield 2/16/2019 Fighting in the Shade IX Vladimir III and Petranella III
Robin Arthur Kyrke Kingdom of Northshield 2/1/2014 Imbolc: A Gaelic Celebration of Spring Hrodir III and Anne II
Ronin Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2022 Feast of the Boar's Head Guenievre and Tom III
Sarangerel "the Sadist" of the steppes Kingdom of Northshield 2/25/2017 That Moot Thingy XVII (17) - Coille Stoirmeil's 35th Birthday Hrodir and Yehudah
Scyid Del Aquilla Kingdom of Northshield 10/14/2023 Northshield Fall Crown Tournament Yngvar III and Isabella
Sefa Farmansdóttir Kingdom of Northshield 1/10/2015 Nordskogen 40th Anniversary Twelfth Night Celebration Vladimir II and Petranella II
Siegound Eisenhaut Kingdom of Northshield 2/1/2014 Imbolc: A Gaelic Celebration of Spring Hrodir III and Anne II
Sigeric Unsiker Kingdom of Northshield 10/5/2013 Schutzenfest Hrodir III and Anne II
Thomas Mac Paul the Younger Kingdom of Northshield 2/19/2005 Hertzkrieg XI Siegfried I and Bridei
Thomas Tausend Kingdom of Northshield 9/30/2023 Sharp Pointy Things Yngvar III and Isabella
Toussaint de Caluwé Kingdom of Northshield 1/25/2014 It's Only a Flesh Wound Hrodir III and Anne II
Trystan der Fackeltrager Kingdom of Northshield 10/16/2004 First Coronation Siegfried I and Bridei
Ulrich Aeowulf MacNaughtine Kingdom of Northshield 6/27/2020 Ethereal Court of Mimisbrunnr Ciaran and Elis II
Valka Ragnarsdottir Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2024 Northshield Spring Crown Tournament Hans II and Genevieve II
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