Dafydd ap Gwalchmai, Viscount Northshield Dafydd ap Gwalchmai, Viscount Northshield

Minister of Arts and Sciences Report

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Minister of Arts and Sciences Report Schedule
  • Event Reports: 30 days after the event/demo (Report Form)

Monthly Synopsis - list regular classes (include teachers and projects) and any group projects:

List special interest groups and/or Guilds and a brief description of their projects:

List individual projects with a brief description of each project:

List any questions or problems, or particularly praiseworthy projects:

Please note: When you click submit, you may receive an error message indicating that a mailbox is unavailable. If this happens, your report has been submitted and filed, but you will not receive an email notification. You can press the 'back' button in your browser and re-submit, and it almost always works the second time.

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