Kingdom Youth Officer
Inquiries and applications should be sent to the
Kingdom Seneschal. Open until filled.
Emergency Deputy Seneschal
Inquiries and applications should be sent to the
Kingdom Seneschal. Open until filled.
Transitions And New Groups Deputy (TANG)
This office is responsible for assisting and aiding the Kingdom Seneschal with all groups that are not full status. The office also aids in group transitions for becoming full status and pursuing a barony. Applicants should be prepared to handle reports from these groups and help with questions they might have.
Inquiries and applications should be sent to the
Kingdom Seneschal. Open until filled.
Woodlands A&S Regional Deputy
Plains A&S Regional Deputy
Inquiries and applications should be sent to the
Kingdom Seneschal. Open until filled.
Central and Eastern Regional Seneschal
Inquiries and applications should be sent to the
Kingdom Seneschal. Open until filled.
Kingdom Advocate
Inquiries and applications should be sent to the
Kingdom Seneschal. Open until filled.
Kingdom Historian
The Kingdom Historian/Archivist role is a deputy to the Kingdom Chronicler and is responsible for processing, cataloguing and preserving the collection of Northshield’s history: written documents, oral history, and artifacts from Northshield’s past, present and in the future. The Kingdom Historian/Archivist reports to Kingdom Chronicler. This is primarily an administrative role. The Historian/Archivist is responsible for ensuring that the following duties are completed. These duties include delivering and meeting deadlines for the following:
· Maintain the repository, as it grows.
· Catalogue and keep current the repository.
· Receiving and archiving copies of the local newsletters.
· Determining repository application and feasibility.
· Receiving tangible items for possible integration to the current repository.
· Consolidating existing files.
· Management of projects as assigned.
WORKLOAD: The workload will vary but expect to put in an average of 3-4 hours per month. This position does not require travel.
· Basic knowledge of the SCA.
· Attention to detail.
· Knowledge on how to catalogue items.
· An interest and knowledge or willingness to research our history.
· The ability to use your own initiative.
· The ability to work well with others.
· Ability to store 6-8 totes in a climate-controlled space.
Time Commitment: This position will require about 3-4 hour a month in administrative duties, including reviewing new submissions, updating kingdom history (including Northshield History Facebook page), and replying to emails.
Special Deputy: Web Service Developer
This is a limited term role under the Webminister. This individual will assist in the creation of the new Northshield website. Desired skills or knowledge includes MySQL, PHP, JSON, and Git Experience.
Special Deputy: Web Plug In Developer
This is a limited term role under the Webminister. This individual will assist in the creation of the new Northshield website. Desired skills or knowledge includes programming for WordPress. Plug In Maintainers and database Programmers with knowledge of WordPress Security Architecture, Object Oriented PHP, JSON, JQuery, MySQL and Git experience are also desired.
Special Deputy: Web Front End Developer
This is a limited term role under the Webminister. This individual will assist in the creation of the new Northshield website. Desired skills or knowledge includes word press themedesign/development (Website designer, GUI designer, PHP programmer, all in one),JSON, AJAX, and Git experience. Javascript knowledge a plus.
Special Deputy: Web Administrator
This is a limited term role under the Webminister. This individual will assist in the creation of the new Northshield website. Desired skills or knowledge includes DNS administration, website backup administration, general administrative tasks, and Git experience.
Social Media Deputy: Instagram Deputy
The Instagram Deputy is responsible for maintaining the Kingdom Instagram account.
Social Media Deputy: Discord Deputy
The Discord Deputy is responsible for maintaining the Kingdom Discord server.
Social Media Deputy: TikTok Deputy
The TikTok Deputy is responsible for maintaining the Kingdom TikTok account.
Chronicler Deputy: Northwatch Editor
Chronicler Deputy: Deputy No https:// rthwatch Editor
The Deputy Northwatch Editor is responsible for learning the role of the Northwatch Editor and providing support where needed.
Eastern Regional Armored Combat Marshal
The Eastern Regional Armored Combat Marshal is the Deputy Earl Marshal of Armored Combat for Wisconsin and Michigan's upper peninsula. This individual will report to the Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal.