Sigrid de la Mare called "Siri" Sigrid de la Mare called "Siri"
Award of Arms - Blazon:

Award of Arms (Total Presented: 1149)

Individuals who have shown consistency of effort over time within the arts, sciences, service or arts martial and willingness to maintain involvement in the SCA.
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Kingdom of Northshield 6/16/2022 Bardic Blades X Ajax and Gaia
"Shin" Takeda Shinjiro Shin Kingdom of Northshield 6/4/2022 Spring War Maneuvers Ajax and Gaia
Abraam Samuel Ben Jucef Kingdom of Northshield 12/4/2010 Feast of Boar's Head XXXIII: The Thistle and the Rose Hrodir II and Anne I
Ada inghean Domnall Kingdom of Northshield 5/25/2013 Raid the Kitchen! Morgan II and Lusche II
Adalia Solario Kingdom of Northshield 1/21/2012 Elephants and Red Castles Vladimir and Petranella
Adam of Schattentor Kingdom of Northshield 5/19/2012 Quest for Camelot Wulfgar and Devon
Adam Welch Kingdom of Northshield 2/5/2011 That Moot Thingy XI Hrodir II and Anne I
Adam Welch Kingdom of Northshield 9/4/2010 Castel Rouge 40th Anniversary Feast and Celebration Tom and Sigrid
Adela the Diligent Kingdom of Northshield 9/21/2013 Pas d'Armes pour la splendeur et l'apparat de l'automne. Hrodir III and Anne II
Adelaide of Eblesborne Kingdom of Northshield 7/1/2022 **Thatsa Mare 2022 * * Weeeee're baaacck!!! Ajax and Gaia
Adele von Passau Kingdom of Northshield 2/4/2012 Hertzkrieg XVII Vladimir and Petranella
Adelheid von Lubeuck Kingdom of Northshield 10/8/2011 Northshield Fall Crown Tourney Vladimir and Petranella
Adeliz de la Tour Kingdom of Northshield 12/9/2006 Boar's Head: Kristkindlmarkt and Baronial Investiture Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Adison Kleinsasser Kingdom of Northshield 5/16/2015 Quest for Camelot XVI Tom II and Sigrid II
Adorabelle Kingdom of Northshield 2/24/2018 Lupercalia Kaydian and Cassandra
Adreanna Jewel Thornn Kingdom of Northshield 10/13/2007 Fall Crown Tournament Hagan and Eilis
Adrian Norwood Kingdom of Northshield 7/10/2010 Warriors and Warlords XVII Tom and Sigrid
Adriana Karafantoni Kingdom of Northshield 5/13/2017 Northshield Spring Crown Tournament. Konrad and Aibhilin
Æðelwald Bald Kingdom of Northshield 8/8/2007 Pennsic War 36 Hrodir and Giulia
Aelfwine Kingdom of Northshield 9/10/2022 Northshield Fall Coronation/Special Crown Tournament Ajax and Gaia
Aelina Aelinesdottir Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2013 Spring Crown and Baronial 40th Anniversary Celebration Morgan II and Lusche II
Aesa Grimsdottir Kingdom of Northshield 8/21/2010 Mad Dogs and Englishmen Tom and Sigrid
Aesa Olafskona Kingdom of Northshield 7/12/2014 Warriors and Warlords XXI Siegfried IV and Elizabeth II
Æschild Kingdom of Northshield 2/24/2018 Lupercalia Kaydian and Cassandra
Æsileif Gylfisdóttir Kingdom of Northshield 1/27/2018 Die Four the Sword Kaydian and Cassandra
Aethelflaed Kingdom of Northshield 2/19/2005 Hertzkrieg XI Siegfried I and Bridei
Ahlwin von Hildebrand Kingdom of Northshield 11/18/2006 Pie Snit II Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Aibfinn ingen Chearbhaill Kingdom of Northshield 1/5/2013 12th Night and Baronial Investiture Yngvar and Luce
Aibhilin inghean Tadhg Kingdom of Northshield 2/9/2013 Stellar University of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Aiblynn Cambria Verch Alistar Kingdom of Northshield 5/25/2013 Raid the Kitchen! Morgan II and Lusche II
Aideen Melia Kingdom of Northshield 9/16/2006 Northshield Fall Coronation/Sir Cecil's Siege Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Aideen Melia Kingdom of Northshield 9/16/2006 Northshield Fall Coronation/Sir Cecil's Siege Lars I and Mary I
Aiden Odea Kingdom of Northshield 3/13/2019 Haire Affaire Vladimir III and Petranella III
Aigeline Li Merciers Kingdom of Northshield 2/16/2008 Lupercalia Hagan and Eilis
Aileen Daihmain Curry Kingdom of Northshield 4/14/2012 Northshield Spring Coronation Wulfgar and Devon
Ailleanne ingen Faelin Kingdom of Northshield 5/13/2006 Northshield Spring Crown Tounament Lars I and Mary I
Aine inghean Fhearghuis Kingdom of Northshield 3/22/2014 Las Aventuras de la Liebra Iberica (Haire Affaire) Hrodir III and Anne II
Aine ni Aonghusa Kingdom of Northshield 6/25/2011 Border Skirmish 2011 Morgan I and Lusche I
Áine ni Ehimhin Kingdom of Northshield 6/23/2012 Woodland Romp: The Finale! Wulfgar and Devon
Aine Shugrue Kingdom of Northshield 7/12/2008 Warriors and Warlords Lars II and Mary II
Aja Weller Kingdom of Northshield 2/9/2013 Stellar University of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Ajax Draco Kingdom of Northshield 9/14/2013 Fall Coronation Morgan II and Lusche II
Ajax Therion Marius Kingdom of Northshield
Akahito Kingdom of Northshield 8/17/2024 Poor Man's Pennsic Hans II and Genevieve II
Akos Kingdom of Northshield 12/7/2019 Feast of Boar's Head Jehanette
Alaina Ansiladoitter Kingdom of Northshield 7/12/2014 Warriors and Warlords XXI Siegfried IV and Elizabeth II
Alaric Schweinsteger Kingdom of Northshield 1/27/2018 Die Four the Sword Kaydian and Cassandra
Albrecht of Caer Anterth Mawr Kingdom of Northshield 12/9/2006 Boar's Head: Kristkindlmarkt and Baronial Investiture Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Aldis Leifsdottir Kingdom of Northshield 10/13/2018 Northshield Fall Crown Tournament Vladimir III and Petranella III
A'lee Kingdom of Northshield 7/8/2006 Warriors and Warlords XIII Lars I and Mary I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...

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