Real men can wear anything they want (Duke Raito and THL Randall of Caer Anterth Mawr) Real men can wear anything they want (Duke Raito and THL Randall of Caer Anterth Mawr)
Glove, Award of the - Blazon:

Glove, Award of the (Total Presented: 163)

Given to those who demonstrate prowess and chivalric comportment in rapier combat, including a level of participation beyond their own personal endeavors. [formerly known as the Queen's Glove; registered as Order of the Glove]
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Adele von Passau Kingdom of Northshield 9/8/2012 Northshield Fall Coronation Wulfgar and Devon
Aethelflaed Kingdom of Northshield 2/5/2011 Hertzkrieg Hrodir II and Anne I
Ahlwin von Hildebrand Kingdom of Northshield 8/11/2012 Poor Man's Pennsic Wulfgar and Devon
Albrecht of Caer Anterth Mawr Kingdom of Northshield 12/6/2014 Feast of Boar’s Head(37) Sword and Mistletoe Tourney Vladimir II and Petranella II
Alexander James Warrick Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2019 Northshield Spring Crown Tournament Konrad II and Aibhilin II
Alexandra der Wasserman Kingdom of Northshield 12/5/2009 Boar's Head 2009 Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Ambrose von Pasau Kingdom of Northshield 12/4/2004 Boar's Head - The Return of the Cherries Siegfried I and Bridei
Andréas Asklepiódotou Kingdom of Northshield 10/13/2018 Northshield Fall Crown Tournament Vladimir III and Petranella III
Angelo Carevello Kingdom of Northshield 1/27/2024 Wacky Garb Ball: Supernatural Yngvar III and Isabella
Anne Geoffreys of Warwick Kingdom of Northshield 1/7/2012 Winter Knights: a 12th Night celebration Vladimir and Petranella
Antolin el Tunante de Treburgos Kingdom of Northshield 10/23/2004 Crown Tournament Siegfried I and Bridei
Antonio de Vichenzy Kingdom of Northshield 1/15/2011 Old Twelvey Night Hrodir II and Anne I
Arnora Þunkarr Kingdom of Northshield 2/18/2023 Fighter's School Guenievre and Tom III
Arthur Angus Kingdom of Northshield 2/6/2016 A Scandanavian Haire Affaire Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Artus Delacroix Kingdom of Northshield 5/14/2022 Northshield Spring Crown Tournament Ajax and Gaia
Asli of Dyserth Kingdom of Northshield 4/2/2011 Liars, Cheats and Thieves...This is not the Haire Affaire You're Looking For Hrodir II and Anne I
Audrey Cross Kingdom of Northshield 3/17/2016 Gulf Wars XXV Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
August Jan Helmschmide Kingdom of Northshield 4/12/2008 Provost Challenge Hagan and Eilis
Ayla von Kiel Kingdom of Northshield 1/27/2024 Wacky Garb Ball: Supernatural Yngvar III and Isabella
Baldwin von Trier Kingdom of Northshield 12/5/2015 Boar's Head - A Traditional Yule Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Bastien De La Mesa Kingdom of Northshield 7/11/2015 Warriors and Warlords Tom II and Sigrid II
Bayard the Turner Kingdom of Northshield 2/19/2011 Une Fete D’Amor: For Love For The Crown Hrodir II and Anne I
Bazyli Bolesław z Krakowa Kingdom of Northshield 4/13/2019 Northshield Spring Coronation Konrad II and Aibhilin II
Beathag MacLaren Kingdom of Northshield 5/16/2015 Quest for Camelot XVI Tom II and Sigrid II
Benjamin Von Herder Kingdom of Northshield 1/27/2024 Wacky Garb Ball: Supernatural Yngvar III and Isabella
Blasio Soranzo Kingdom of Northshield 3/17/2011 Gulf Wars XX Hrodir II and Anne I
Brice Davidson Kingdom of Northshield 11/18/2017 To Live Four the Sword Kaydian and Cassandra
Byle McKee Kingdom of Northshield 1/5/2013 12th Night and Baronial Investiture Yngvar and Luce
Cassandra Antonelli Kingdom of Northshield 7/7/2007 Warriors and Warlords XIV Hrodir and Giulia
Cealfind ni Mullen Kingdom of Northshield 7/9/2005 Warriors & Warlords XII: The Wars of the Roses Tarrach and Fina
Ceara MacDougal Kingdom of Northshield 10/16/2004 First Coronation Siegfried I and Bridei
Celestria de Clare Kingdom of Northshield 8/22/2020 All Garbed up and Nowhere to go-ethereal court Ciaran and Elis II
Charimmos of Lakadaemonias Kingdom of Northshield 4/3/2009 Spring Coronation Stephen and Ailleanne
Charlotte Almary Kingdom of Northshield 9/24/2022 The Griffin Needle Challenge**DATE CHANGE** Guenievre and Tom III
Christiana Silverton Kingdom of Northshield 6/20/2015 Moorish Tavern: Deeds of Honor Tom II and Sigrid II
Ciaran Mac Martin Kingdom of Northshield 5/13/2010 Quest for Camelot Tom and Sigrid
Çinara de Teresa Kingdom of Northshield 7/13/2019 Warriors and Warlords XXVI Konrad II and Aibhilin II
Clydwyn Gwehydd Kingdom of Northshield 3/14/2014 Gulf Wars XXIII Hrodir III and Anne II
Constantine Grayson Kingdom of Northshield 12/5/2015 Boar's Head - A Traditional Yule Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Constanza de Sevilla Kingdom of Northshield 3/12/2013 Gulf Wars XXII Yngvar and Luce
Cosimo di Cellini Kingdom of Northshield 10/16/2004 First Coronation Siegfried I and Bridei
Cressida Foster Kingdom of Northshield 4/4/2020 The Ethereal Final Court of Jehanette the Sovereign Queen. Jehanette
Cyveiliog McKinley Kingdom of Northshield 4/13/2013 Spring Coronation Yngvar and Luce
Damiano Cioli del Castello di Linari Kingdom of Northshield 12/9/2006 Boar's Head: Kristkindlmarkt and Baronial Investiture Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Dante Falconis Kingdom of Northshield 10/14/2011 Northshield Rapier Academy Vladimir and Petranella
Dauyd Straquhyn Kingdom of Northshield 3/17/2011 Gulf Wars XX Hrodir II and Anne I
David DuPont Kingdom of Northshield 11/6/2004 Northshield Rapier Acdemy Siegfried I and Bridei
Davidd the Sagacious of Black Hill Kingdom of Northshield 5/13/2010 Quest for Camelot Tom and Sigrid
Decimus Marius Tacitus Ajax Kingdom of Northshield 11/18/2017 To Live Four the Sword Kaydian and Cassandra
Deirdre Wydeville Kingdom of Northshield 10/21/2006 Northshield Rapier Academy Siegfried II and Gwyneth
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