Viscount Gaius Niklos Aurelius Equestor Viscount Gaius Niklos Aurelius Equestor
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Golden Peacock, Order of the Anna z Pernstejna Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Glove, Award of the Anne Geoffreys of Warwick Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Cehero Okensword Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Edward of Kent Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Golden Peacock, Order of the Felix Valdecchii Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Cygnus, Award of the Geirråðr hersir Kolbeinson Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Griffin & Sword, Award of the Herjolf Eilifsson Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Vigil for Laurel Juliana Foxcroft Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Court Baron/Baroness Jutta van der Bruegghen (known as Ivetta) Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Golden Peacock, Order of the Kita Jiru Toramassa Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Award of Arms Marguerite Coquette de Lyon Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Award of Arms Norina de Lessley Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Golden Peacock, Order of the Robin Arthur Kyrke Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Rosanore of Redthorn Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Saltire, Order of the Sigeric Unsiker Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Cygnus, Award of the Sorcha Bhuidhe Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Award of Arms Thomas Starremon Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Golden Peacock, Order of the Vermundr Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella
Golden Peacock, Order of the Wilhelm zu Eltz-Kempenich Kingdom of Northshield Vladimir and Petranella

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