I think he's dead, Martin! I think he's dead, Martin!

Awards presented at Thatsa Mare on 6/26/2010

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Alex of Mare Amethystinum Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Ceithne inghean Aiden Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Glove, Award of the Felix Valdecchii Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Lisette de la Neige Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Cygnus, Award of the Marcus Wulf Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Odwulf Salararius "the Goth" Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Cygnus, Award of the Olaf Kristsson Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Cygnus, Award of the Phelyp of Maydstone Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Tova Biorjie Vandersaar Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid
Award of Arms Ylaire de Felle Kingdom of Northshield Tom and Sigrid

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