This picture is about 30 years old. He is still active in Northshield. Do you know who this is today? This picture is about 30 years old. He is still active in Northshield. Do you know who this is today?
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Aylwin MacNeill Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Brigits Flame, Order of Bartel fitz Neel Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Award of Arms Dag Ingvaar Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Award of Arms Gretchen Ingalls Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Award of Arms Iushka Khitrogo Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Award of Arms Mauriana of the Isles Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne
Griffin & Sword, Award of the ViĆ°i Hovdestad Kingdom of Northshield Stephen and Ailleanne

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