Stephen holds the fort Stephen holds the fort
Court Date: 7/31/2013 (Court #1)
Event Name: Pennsic 42
Presenting Royalty: Morgan II and Lusche II
A report from the court of Their Dread Stellar Majesties, Morgan and Lusche, Rex et Regina Northshieldensis, sovereigns of the plains, rulers of the lakes, and protectors of the woods of the griffin's lands, and patrons of the arts and sciences, and do-ers of the Morgan and Lusche groove.

Herald of Record: Katerinka Lvovicha
Heralds: Katerinka and Caradoc
Head Signet: Margaret Malise
Acting signets: Gabrielle and Leah of Schattentor
Brehon held Lusche's spear

Gwenehvar vetch Owen ap Morgan -- token for rose tourney participation
Gabrielle de Chevruille - scribal highlight
The scribes of northshield

Populace presentation -- fine silver coins from the moneyer's guild
water bearers and valkyries were thanked. 

Respectfully submitted,
I remain,
In service,
Driving through the time rift that is Ohio,

Katerinka Lvovicha of the Two Kingdoms, Blawhorn herald

Awards Presented

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