Can you guess who this King of Bears is? (circa 1984) Can you guess who this King of Bears is? (circa 1984)

Lady Nadezhda Mikolaeovika

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Persona Type:
Primary Name
Device: Sable, two chatloups rampant and on a point pointed Or a rose sable
**Device may not be registered with the College of Arms**
Photograph: Nadezhda Mikolaeovika
Modern: A child of the cold northern lands, upon my coming of age ceremony (a.ka. Graduation) I traversed to the nearby kingdom of Calontir, where I learned the marvels of Illumination and the allure of a SCAdian family. In my short time there I became addicted to the arts of the Scrivener: Illumination, Calligraphy, Bookbinding, etc. 

Historical: Nadezhda "Nadia" Mikolaeovika is a young girl from Novgorod Russia. Her mother worked in a flower shop and her father ran a tailoring studio. She spent much of her childhood at the convent, learning her letters and putting her gift of painting to use on the illuminated books of our time. On her pilgrimage to the western lands, she became friends with a Spanish seamstress who took her in as an adoptive sister and taught her how to fit into the European culture. Her family motto is Nulla Pallescere Culpa.


  Award Name Presenting Branch Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Kingdom of Northshield 2/27/2016 Hertzkrieg XXII Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Golden Calon Swan Kingdom of Calontir 7/21/2012
Award of Arms Kingdom of Calontir 4/28/2012
Please send award updates/corrections to the Clerk of Precedence: .

Marshal Warrants and Authorizations:  Denotes specific Authorization/Marshal Warrant.

No Expiration Date on file. Please send Authorization updates/corrections to the Clerk of the Roster: .


Archery Marshal of the Field in Training
Archery Marshal of the Field


Armored Single-Handed Weapon (1H)
Armored Marshal of the Field in Training
Armored Marshal of the Field
Armored Spear
Armored Two-Handed Weapon (2H)
Armored Combat Archery
Armored Siege Weapons
Armored Youth Sparring


Equestrian General Riding and Games
Equestrian Marshal of the Field in Training
Equestrian Marshal of the Field
Equestrian Mounted Archery
Equestrian Jousting
Equestrian Driving
Equestrian Mounted Crest Combat
Equestrian Mounted Armored Combat


Rapier C&T Single Sword
Rapier Single Rapier
Rapier Marshal of the Field in Training
Rapier Marshal of the Field
Rapier C&T Marshal of the Field
Rapier Case
Rapier Dagger
Rapier Rigid Parry
Rapier Non-Rigid Parry
Rapier Epee
Rapier C&T Defensive Secondary
Rapier C&T Offensive Secondary
Rapier C&T Two-Handed Weapon
Rapier Rapier Spear

Rebated Steel

Rebated Steel Singlehanded Sword
Rebated Steel Longsword
Rebated Steel Counter
Rebated Steel Marshal

Thrown Weapons

Thrown Weapons Marshal of the Field in Training
Thrown Weapons Marshal of the Field


Youth Youth Level 1
Youth Youth Rattan
Youth Youth Rapier
Youth Marshal of the Field in Training
Youth Marshal of the Field
Youth Youth Level 2
Youth Youth Level 3

Scribal Work Examples:

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