The Future of Northshield The Future of Northshield
Hand of Tyr, Order of the

Hand of Tyr, Order of the
Kateryn of the Amber Mists (formerly of Cornwall)


Angus Gordon

Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Decimus Marius Tacitus Ajax

Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Maddalena da Monreale

Prince's Cypher

Prince's Cypher
Tarrach Alfson

Princess' Cypher

Princess' Cypher
Tarrach Alfson

Prince's Cypher

Prince's Cypher
Fina ingen Aeda

Princess' Cypher

Princess' Cypher
Fina ingen Aeda

Athena's Ring

Athena's Ring
Ravenna ingen A'eda

Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Ia ingen Aeda

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