HRM Eilis & Majer Déva at Gulf Wars HRM Eilis & Majer Déva at Gulf Wars
Award: Award of Arms
Persona: Maddalena da Monreale
Presenting Branch/Group: Kingdom of Middle
Presented on 12/5/1998
Reason: enthusiasm in the art of blackwork and embroidery
Additional Note: PoN Tarrach & Fiona
Calligraphy & Illumination by Ia ingen Aeda . Displayed with permission. Please contact the scribe(s) for permission if you wish to copy or use this artwork.
Picture of Award
Award/Scroll Wording:
All know that We, Tarrach, Prince by right of arms, and Fiona, our Princess are minded to make unto Maddalena da Monreale and Award of Arms in recognition of her enthusiasm in the arts of blackwork and embroidery.  We bestow upon her the right to bear arms without let or hindrance and the right and responsibility conveyed by this status.  Done by Our hands this 5 day of December AS XXXIII, in Our Shire of Rudevale.

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