The publication of Mead, Meat & More was suspended in 2009. There are no plans to revive this publication.
Mead, Meat & More is a subsidiary publication of Northstar, the Northshield quarterly A&S newsletter, with a focus on the food and beverage arts and sciences. Past issues will soon be made available online.
Mead, Meat & More is an online journal with monthly additions and/or updates and is intended to be a forum for people to share their research and knowledge in the arts and sciences of food and beverages. Whether you’re new to the arts and sciences (and research) or a long-time veteran, your knowledge is a valuable addition to the Kingdom and the Society. Share it here so that others may learn new things, fill gaps in their research, and be inspired in their personal journeys.
Who can submit content for Mead, Meat & More?
Anyone! Mead, Meat & More is dependent on the good people of Northshield for its content. Your participation is strongly encouraged.
What content are you looking for?
In a nutshell, we’re looking for articles about food and beverages. As this is an arts and sciences publication, the underlying tenet is research. Articles must reflect good research and cite sources (exception: Feast Review articles; see below). If you’re not sure whether your article meets these criteria, send it to the editor anyway. Any article that is not accepted will be returned with an explanation of the reason.
We are particularly looking for articles in the following categories:
Photos or drawings to support your article are also welcomed.
Recipe Research & Development – What recipe have you been researching and/or experimenting with? When/where is it from? What have you tried? What was the outcome? What will you do differently next time? (Photos welcomed!)
Book Review – What literary resource have you found particularly helpful in your research? Why? Who else would it be helpful for? What highlights or cautionary statements would you make about this particular resource? Where can it be obtained? (You could also/instead write about a particular resource that you would suggest be avoided.)
Feast Results – A write-up about a specific feast from the feast coordinator’s perspective. What event was the feast for? What culture (time and place) did you select for your theme, if any? What did you serve? Why did you select the dishes you prepared? What were your research sources? What did you change and why? What did you learn and would do differently next time? What recipes would you like to share?
Feast Review – A write-up about a specific feast from the diner’s perspective. What event was the feast for? What theme did the feast follow, if any? What were your opinions about the food types, flavors, quantity, presentations, and so on? What might you recommend be done differently next time?
Resources – What modern sources have you found for period and/or rare ingredients and/or equipment? Do youmake or replicate period cooking tools or vessels? This could includepottery, woodworking or ironworking that was researched and constructed specifically for food or beverage preparation.
Miscellany – What strange (to the modern palate) ingredients and/or foods/beverages did your persona’s culture use that aren’t in common use anymore? What interesting tidbits of information have you come across in your research? (Note: This category is meant to be in the form of brief factoids as opposed to full articles, but an article of several factoids is also welcome.)
If these categories don’t light your fire, or if you have a subject that just doesn’t fit one of them, we’ll still consider your submission for publication! And don’t worry if you’re not a practiced writer; our editorial staff (hello!) is standing by to wordsmith your article—if you want us to.
How do I submit content for Mead, Meat & More?
- Format: Submission as a Word document by e-mail to is preferred. Please indicate the title and that it is for MMM in the subject line. You may also submit work on CD or stick drive (mailed or handed to the editor). Hardcopy can also be accepted, if necessary.
- Permission: You must return a completed Publication Permission Form to the editor with your article. Your piece will not be published if your form is not submitted. (Note: Each author of the piece must complete and return a form.) Please ensure the web publishing areas are also completed.
- Editing: The editor reserves the right to edit or reject any submission. Note that submissions will primarily be edited for grammar, spelling and punctuation. The editor will not alter tone or content, and will make every attempt to contact the author in the case of severe edits or rejection.
- Color: Mead, Meat & More encourages colour! Feel free to include photgraphic documentation or chronicling of your research or trials. Format: high-resolution formats (such as JPG) are preferred.
- Format: 300 dpi TIF is preferred for best quality; other high-resolution formats (such as JPG) are also acceptable. No GIFs, please.
- Credits: Your piece will be credited within the issue, but it’s nice to have your name/signature somewhere on the piece itself, however small. For photos, please make sure that you have permission from all gentles within the photo (if any), make every effort to include the names of all principal gentles within the photo (if any), provide a caption, and ensure that the photo is of high quality (see Format, above).
- Permission: You must return a completed Publication Permission Form to the editor with your artwork/photo. Your artwork/photo will likely not be published if your form is not submitted in time. (Note: Each artist of the piece must complete and return a form.)
- All original (i.e. hardcopy) artwork will be returned to the artist.
What is the submission deadline / publication schedule?
Mead, Meat and More posts monthly updates and new material.Submissions are welcomed at any time and will be posted at the next monthly scheduled update. Early submissions are very very welcome!