Cén scéal? What’s the news?
Upcoming article submission deadlines are as follows, but please submit art and articles on any topic for the edification of the kingdom.
• April 20 - Colors. How was color significant to various cultures? What dyes, paints, or embroidery colors have you been playing with? As we head into PRIDE month, let's share some rainbows.
• May 20 - War. The summer battles approach! Share your favorite war stories, songs, tactics, and histories. Share the triumphs of bloody Arts & Sciences fights and the comradeship of a support shift.
• June 20 - Glass. What glass was available to your persona in period and how would it have been used? Do you use glass in your garb or camp setup?
• July 20 - Did You Know? - Share your favorite bit of historical trivia, from the mundane to the ridiculous. Citations appreciated, but not required.
I look forward to publishing any Peers who take up the challenge to educate issued by the late Maestro Foro. Please send all questions or submissions to northwatch@northshield.org.