Cainnech was born in 847 A.D. at the Cill Ninian Broch in the Isle of Mull. Cainnech is an Aire Tuiseo chieftain and his father and grandfather were Aire Tuiseo chieftains of the Cinel Laoirn. His fief is large enough to support a seven-bench birlinn (galley). This vessel is occasionally taken out on ‘trading’ expeditions by Cainnech’s chief tenant, Gilleguairi. In addition to piracy, cattle ranching and fishing are the primary economic pursuits of the people of Cill Ninian. Sheep are kept for wool, parchment and meat. Cainnech is a guarantee, a surety and a witness to a suit for his people (as is required by his noble rank). He has a noble first wife of equal family, 4 suits of clothes and a brooch worth an ounce. Cainnech is a vassal/client tenant of his uncle, Cunnla mcCheallaich who is an Hiberno-Norse chieftain dwelling in the Isle of Ulva. xxxxxxxxxx Oh, and the photo is of Gilleguairi, not Cainnech (people get them confused, not sure why--Much to Cinniu beanChainneg's chagrin, Gilleguairi often will respond when addressed as 'Cainnech').