Late 9th century Irish weaver in Dublin. Except when I am a Pelican and officer, which doesn't fit with the weaver. I dress as the Norsewoman of Dublin. Well, sometimes I am a moneyer, and then I tend to dress as an Anglo Saxon man would, in work clothes.
I don't like my device, but I don't have something I really want to switch it to. That's a long story that doesn't matter, but the most I use is the primary charge, occasionally in black because of the medium I am using. That's more period for me, anyway, to use the symbol for the saint for whom I am named.
I have one protoge, Kate de Mallow.
I don't care how you pronounce my name most of the time, but in formal situations, it should be Ka-TREE-na MY-star-ee. Unless Eyja gives you better instructions. That's my best.
she/her pronouns