Service to the Kingdom.
Greetings unto all whom these presents come, know that We, Tarrach and Fina, Rex and Regina Northshield, having seen the generosity and gift of time and talent that Cassandra of the Western Green has freely given to two Kingdoms, are right mindeful to make Cassandra a Baroness of Our Court. Although a Baroness of the court holds no authority or power to command, yet Cassandra is to be granted such honor respect as befits a person of great worth and courtesy. She shall be known by her coronet of silver, ornamented with pearls. Let her dedication and service be an inspiration to all. Done by Our hand and seal this 9th day of July, A.S. XL, while on Our Griffin throwns at Warriors and Warlords XII.
Based on the Macclesfield Psalter with additional elements from the Luttrell Psalter. The archer and bunny are significant.