Freydis in tryggva Sigurdhardottir Freydis in tryggva Sigurdhardottir
Court Date: 3/5/2016 (Court #1)
Event Name: Ides of March XXV
Presenting Royalty: Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed

The court report for Ides of March, 5 March, AS 50, in the Shire of Trewint.

There were 2 courts held at Ides of March, (This was to allow a scribe to see her scroll given to the recipient before she had to leave.) 

Afternoon Court heralded by Meistari Gabriel Kjotvason

Joint Cypher for Zahra - Scribe Susan the Midwife

Evening Court was heralded by Christoforo Alfonso Pallavincino da Firenze & Decimus Marius Tacitus Ajax. Signet was Merideth ni Shionnaich

2 Award of Arms awarded at Hrothgar's Hall were able to be delivered to the recipients in Court.

Amatheon Outlawe &  Iveliss of Cambria

Gotfried & Ceara congratulated on their first wedding anniversary.

A & S bean count winner announced, New people invited into court and recevied a token from Their Majesties. The children were also called into court and receive tokens from Their Majesties.

Awards Presented

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