Magisterfrater Giles Devon, on the archery line Magisterfrater Giles Devon, on the archery line
Court Date: 5/9/2015 (Court #1)
Event Name: Spring Crown
Presenting Royalty: Tom II and Sigrid II

This is the court report for the Crown Tournament of Tom and Sigrid, second of those names, held in the Shire of Skerjastrond on the ninth of May, Anno Societatis 50.

During the day of fighting the King and Queen, Tom and Sigrid, held court to place Cyveiliog McKinley on vigil for the Order of Defense.

During evening court, Tom and Sigrid, King and Queen of Northshield were joined by Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed, Prince and Princess by right of arms, the future heirs of the Kingdom of Northshield.

Court was heralded by Kolfinna Hrafnkelsdottir with assistance from Maol Mhichil mac Giolla Pheadair, Beatrice Domenici della Campana, Thorfinnr (Thorik) Brandsson, and Katerinka Lvovicha of the Two Kingdoms. Marcial de Salas stood as Signet.


Awards Presented

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