Syr Durand fitz Robert jousting with Mistress Kassandra Tennebrosa Syr Durand fitz Robert jousting with Mistress Kassandra Tennebrosa
Court Date: 8/17/2024 (Court #2)
Event Name: Poor Man's Pennsic
Presenting Royalty: Hans II and Genevieve II
Here follow the court reports of Their Stellar Majesties Hans II and Genevieve II presided over by Their Regents Prince Thorbrandr and Princess Thora on the occasion of Poor Man's Pennsic held in the Shire of Falcon's Keep on August 17th AS LIX.
Herald of record Baron Matthias of Rolling Oakes 
Signet Baroness Sofonisba Vespasiana Gabrielli
Seneschal Baron Ralik Ravenwolf

HRH Thorbrandr the introduced Lord Charles Vaux, a recent transplant to Northshield from the Midrealm, and then introduced Lord Charles to a Northshield tradition, THE TOY RUN!(Supervised by Baron Armond and Baroness Sofonisba)
 Baroness Ysabelle Rapier MIC the described the Rapier Tournament and presented 26 mugs collected as a result of said Tournament to TRH.
Newcomers were called forward and presented mugs by Their Highnesses. 

Awards Presented

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