Duke Tarrach Alfson Duke Tarrach Alfson
Court Date: 9/9/2023 (Court #2)
Event Name: Northshield Fall Coronation
Presenting Royalty: Yngvar III and Isabella
Reporter: Calamus Schreiber
Herald: Calamus Schreiber
Signet: Sofonisba Vespasiana Gabrielli
Seneschal of Record: Sorcha Bhuidhe

Morning and rapier field courts 

After coronation there was much fighting upon the fields and after Rapier was done and before the dancers of Northshield took over their field, Sayyida Joya bin Arwa al-Jinniyya was asked by her Majesty to perform a song. At the end of the performance, Baron Thomas Bordeaux begged a boon of her majesty to elevate Joya to the Order of the Laurel.

Awards Presented

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