Horse in Barding Horse in Barding
Court Date: 9/9/2017 (Court #2)
Event Name: Northshield Fall Coronation
Presenting Royalty: Kaydian and Cassandra
Court was reopened in the name of Their Majesties Kaydian and Cassandra.

Oaths of Fealty or Pledges of Service were received from the various Orders, Baronages, and Populace of the Kingdom. 

The Queen's Guard was summoned and placed in service. Members are Lord Edmond Campbell, Lady Birna, Lord Helgi Moosebane, and Lord Constantine Grayson.

Honorable Lady Aneira Applegate was summoned to describe the rules for the Quest for the Golden Griffin.

The Court of Northshield was then suspended to reconvene at the fifth hour of the afternoon.

It pleased Their Majesties to sit in State during the afternoon to receive various presentations from the Populace.

The Court of Northshield was reopened at the appointed hour by the will of Their Royal Majesties Kaydian and Cassandra and business resumed.

Their Majesties were joined in court at this time by Her Excellency Claire, Baroness of Castel Rouge; Their Excellencies Robert and Leona, Baron and Baroness of Jaravellir; Their Excellencies Armond and Sofonisba, Baron and Baroness of Caer Anterth Mawr; Their Excellencies Geoffrey and Sitt al-Thullaja, Baron and Baroness of Nordskogen; and Their Excellencies Grimmund and Mira, Baron and Baroness of Windhaven.

They were also joined by a procession of the Crown Combatants and their Consorts. Interludes during business allowed Their Majesties, the Combatants, Consorts, and Populace to demonstrate their dancing skills. This opportunity was well received and great skill was observed.

Presentations from the Baronies were received.

In a display of Great Bravery, His Grace Sir Lars Wulfsbut was called forth and given care of the Toy Chest for the Children's Toy Run. He was last observed in great haste pursued by the Youth called into Their Majesties presence.

Augmentation of Arms: Konrad der Lowe von Ulm (The Augmentation granted was the badge: (Fieldless) On a griffon Or a compass rose sable.)

Winners of the Chess Tournament were announced.
Winners of the day's martial Tournaments were announced.

Proceeds from the Northshield Mug Fundraiser in the amount of $360.26 were presented by Lady AEsa in bjardoelska.

Members of the populace for whom this was their first event or first royal court were welcomed and recognized.

Scribes of the day were recognized as the awards were presented:
     Master Cyveiliog McKinley

There being no further business, the Court of Northshield was closed.

Herald of Record; Honorable Lord Iohannes Glenfidanus
Signet of Record; Master Cyveiliog McKinley

Awards Presented

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