Madeleine Bynortheweye Madeleine Bynortheweye
Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Bryndís Ævarsdóttir

Destrer, Order of the

Destrer, Order of the
Bridei nic Gillechattan

Cygnus, Award of the

Cygnus, Award of the
Bearaich machArailt-oicc

Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the

Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the
Amalia St. Edmund

Award of Arms

Award of Arms
Aibfinn ingen Chearbhaill

Saltire, Order of the

Saltire, Order of the
Niccolo Falconetto

Black Flame, Award of the

Black Flame, Award of the
Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu

Saltire, Order of the

Saltire, Order of the
Thrym Oddomsson

Black Bolt, Award of the

Black Bolt, Award of the
Sefa Farmansdóttir

Black Flame, Award of the

Black Flame, Award of the
Katriona ni Chonarain

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