A 14th Century Family A 14th Century Family

Honor Over Glory

Hosted by: Shire of Skerjastrond

Start Date: 9/27/2014 Thru End Date: 9/27/2014 49
Iron Mountain City Park
across from 1509 West A Street
Iron Mountain MI 49801

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Arts & Sciences Display , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat

Since courteous and honorable behavior is at the core of the SCA, this event is dedicated to the chivalric principles and courtly love to which we in the modern Middle Ages aspire.

We expect to hold archery, rapier, and heavy combat events interspersed with opportunities to practice chivalry.

Contests in poetry reading, courtly serenades and even bowing (curtsying) and hand kissing will challenge all greater and lesser nobles.  Instruction in dance will culminate in post-feast revelry.  A&S competition will highlight the honorable glory that goes "hand in gauntlet" with chivalric practices.

Honor Over Glory will be the inaugural event of the Viking Longhall in Iron Mountain, in the southern regions of the Shire of Skerjastrond.  This is a site which bespeaks the honor and glory of medieval courtly life.

No, lords and ladies, chivalry is
not dead in the Kingdom of Northshield!  Come and see for yourselves!  Vivat!

**Attendees are encouraged to bring with them their coat of arms or device banners which will be hung from the great rafters of the longhall.  (suggested size:  2' x 3' minimum)
**Ladies, prepare your favor for a chosen combatant.

Site fee $10    

Feast Fee $12 adult, $6 10 & under, lap sitters free.

Raku (Japanese medieval) pottery class ($10)--20 maximum, must pre-reg by contacting ptrask@mac.com by 9/15 and pay the master potter at the site

A block of rooms is reserved at Econolodge 
1609 S Stephenson Ave, Iron Mountain, MI(906) 776-8000.  Ask for SCA rate (by 9/21):  $45 1 queen / $55 2 queens.  Please select option 2 when calling the hotel for the block rate!

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