Saturday 9am to 10pm
Sunday 9am to 1pm
Come celebrate Twelfth Night the old way! games! music! dance! theatre! contests! Stretch your mind at the classes and your purse strings at the merchants and raffle. Revel with Royalty. Lavish gifts on friends and family.
To delight your tastebuds and overload your stomachs, three renowned cooks will grace the tables: Lunch by Maestra Giovanna di Battista da Firenze, Feast by Lord Duncan of Dunsinane, and Sunday Brunch by Mistress Aramanthra the Vicious.
For Sunday thoughts turn back to battle. Hone your rapiers for Queen Anne’s tourney. Ready sword and shield for a tourney sponsored by His Grace, Siegfried von Kulmbach.
Handicapped-accessible. NO alcohol open or closed (including gifts).
Site fee: adults $10, youth 6-16 $5, tots 0-5 free
NMS $5
Lunch $4
Feast $8
Site fee: $5 with brunch, $3 without brunch.
Checks payable to: SCA Barony on Nordskogen
Pre-reg must be received by January 6 to be guaranteed meals.
Canadians may reserve meals and pay day-of to avoid cross-border money transfers.
Merchants: $5, space is limited.
Steward: Mistress Cassandra of the Western Green