$10 site fee, age 16 and under free, $3 non-member fee
Gate opens 9am, site closes 7pm
We invite you to bring in your own food and non-alcoholic beverages as there will not be a feast this year. Please note that this is a school so the site will be bone dry, no alcohol allowed on premises. No exceptions!
There will a limited quantity free-will-donation Lunch available: hard boiled egg, small loaf of bread, wax wrapped individual cheeses, fruit.
When you think about Twelfth Night, perhaps the Shakespearean play comes to mind, which then may make you think about Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) and then you might start to think about other things that are late period. We would like to encourage everyone to come show off their finest in late period garb for their persona at this years Twelfth Night event.
As this will also be the 35th Anniversary of the Barony of Nordskogen we would ask the populace to bring in memorabilia to set up displays along the hallways to help celebrate and remember that being period is a journey, not a destination.