Linnette FitzOsbourne Linnette FitzOsbourne

Tournament of Chivalry/Windhaven Baronial Changeover

Hosted by: Barony of Windhaven

Start Date: 2/14/2009 Thru End Date: 2/14/2009 43
Recreation Center, Fond du Lac Fairgrounds
Fond du Lac Avenue
Fond du Lac WI 54935

Planned Activities: Armored Combat

 a Tournament of Chivalry
and the Investiture of Grimmund Blackwing
as the 4th Baron of Windhaven


Saturday, February 14th, 2009
Recreation Center - Fond du Lac County Fairgrounds
Fond du Lac Avenue - Fond du Lac, WI 54935

Site Opens 8 am - Site Closes 9 pm

Handicapped Accessible - Discretely Damp - Men's and Women's Locker Rooms with a shower

Come witness the installation of the 4th baronage of Windhaven in morning court followed by --- Armored Combat! Possible scenarios include: Standard TOC rounds, Unbelted Double Elimination tourney and MELEE vs the Chivalry. The day ends with a hearty and filling feast, keeping the full day of fighting and activities our guest will have just finished in mind.

Site Fees: 
Members $12
Non-Members $15
Feast (limited to 60) $10
Checks should be made payable to: SCA, Inc. - Windhaven


Event Steward/ Pre-Registration: 
Baroness Leaina de Gaeta
(Jennifer Picard)
1624 W Evergreen Dr Apt 2 
Appleton, WI 54913
(920) 730-8039

Lord Hamish Nisbet
(920) 284-7807

Take best route to US Hwy 41 at Fond du Lac, WI. Take the Hwy 151 EAST exit. Follow Hwy 151 for 2 miles. Exit at Hwy 45 North (curves around to the left and becomes Fond du Lac Ave. Approximately 2 miles there is a helicopter display on the left marking the turn into the Fairgrounds on the left. Recreation Center is the 2nd convention building.


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