Corin du Soliel as king of the Midrealm at Pennsic 14 with two of his squires (Aylmar de North Allerton.and Grendalad who would become Danr) Corin du Soliel as king of the Midrealm at Pennsic 14 with two of his squires (Aylmar de North Allerton.and Grendalad who would become Danr)

Twelfth Night and Nordskogen 50th Anniversary

Hosted by: Barony of Nordskogen

Start Date: 1/13/2024 Thru End Date: 1/14/2024 58
Lord of Life Church
14501 Nowthen Blvd NW
Ramsey MN 55303

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Rapier Combat , Youth Boffer Combat
Site opens Friday 6-8:30pm for set-up, Saturday 7am for set-up.
    Gate opens at 9am for the populace, closes at 2pm
    Site will have activities until 8:30pm
    Site close: 10pm hard deadline including clean up
    Adult: $20
    Adult Member: $15
    Minors (under 18): Free
    Checks payable to SCA Inc-Barony of Nordskogen

Pre-Registration (with PayPal option) will be available, and announced as soon as the details are confirmed.

Please note that this is a bone-dry site. There will be food available - 5$ per person, arranged by THL Lucius Lartius Pavo (Lor). 
The specific courses to be served can be found on the 12th Night Event webpage here

Other activities will be announced as they are confirmed to be available, and the schedule may change as space and safety allow, so please follow announcements in all the usual places.

Site is ADA accessible.

Event Stewards: Alex Olfson/Aleksander Valahul , and Trevor Gersch/Aelfwine.

This site is © 2025 Kingdom of Northshield. Original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.