James Applegate, Katsuo Toyaoka, and Delphina the Bearcat James Applegate, Katsuo Toyaoka, and Delphina the Bearcat

Schützenfest XII

Hosted by: Barony of Nordskogen

Start Date: 5/4/2018 Thru End Date: 5/6/2018 53
Camp Singing Hills
49496 193rd Ave
Waterville MN 56096

Planned Activities: Archery , Bardic Activities , Thrown Weapons
We extend our deepest thanks to the Shire of Rivenwood Tower for the use of their lands at Camp Singing Hills. Congratulations to 2016’s Schützenkönig, Master Sigeric Unsiker!
Schützenfest is based on the Germanic festival of marksmanship. Join us for a weekend packed with archery and thrown weapon activities, food, campfires, bardic, and the competition for the title of Schützenkönig, king of marksmen

Site opens 5PM Friday and closes Noon Sunday (No early arrivals please)



Adult registration (18 & above): $20 preregistred/ $25 at the door

Adult member: $15 preregistered / $20 at the door

$10 child 6-17 (5 and under free)

$50 family site fee cap (2 adults with children)


Full meal plan (Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast): $30 (5 and under are free)

Saturday-only meals: $20 (5 and under free)

Lodgings: (Space is limited; please preregister!):

Heated cabins with bunk beds: $10/person

Tent cabins/Platform tents: $5/person

Camping: free

Merchants welcome: no fee! Contact event steward by 4/20 to reserve space.

Checks payable to: SCA, Inc.—Barony of Nordskogen

Preregistrations must be received by April 27th. Mail preregistrations to:

Kay Marszalek

5531 44th Ave. N.

Crystal MN 55422

Event Steward

Rosanore of Redthorn

Susan G. Henry

258 Griggs St. S

Saint Paul MN 55105



Site is dry. Smoking is not allowed on camp property. Smokers may smoke in their vehicles in the parking lot or must go across the road that surrounds the camp. Please be sure to put all butts in the trash. Firewood provided. Flush toilets available throughout camp; shower house onsite. Accessible cabin space, restrooms, and shower available; site paths are maintained but not paved.


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