Dancing Dancing
East - Blazon: Purpure, within a laurel wreath vert fimbriated Or, an eastern crown of three grand points tipped with pearls and two lesser points, all Or

Kingdom of East

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Additional Info: http://www.eastkingdom.org/
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Previous Events Hosted by this Branch
Officer Listing
Populace Listing
Populace Awards Listing
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Mullet, Order of the Household of the Great Dark Horde Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr 9/26/1988
Award of Arms Temur Numuchi Kingdom of East 3/11/1989
Award of Arms Cwenthryth wine Kingdom of Middle 9/29/1990
Willow Cwenthryth wine Kingdom of Middle 7/10/2004
Cygnus, Award of the Sisuile Buitiler Kingdom of Northshield 12/4/2004 Boar's Head - The Return of the Cherries Siegfried I and Bridei
Pisces, Order of Cwenthryth wine Barony of Jararvellir 1/1/2006
Cygnus, Award of the Cwenthryth wine Kingdom of Northshield 1/9/2010 Much Ado about Twelfth Night – An Elizabethan themed event Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Violante do Porto Kingdom of Northshield 4/8/2017 Northshield Spring Coronation Hrodir and Yehudah
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Muirgheall O'Riein Kingdom of Northshield 4/8/2017 Northshield Spring Coronation Hrodir and Yehudah
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Padraig O’Riein Kingdom of Northshield 4/8/2017 Northshield Spring Coronation Hrodir and Yehudah
Cypher, Joint Sovereign & Consort Aislinn Chiabach Kingdom of Northshield 4/8/2017 Northshield Spring Coronation Hrodir and Yehudah
Court Baron/Baroness Ilya Scott de Londres Kingdom of Northshield 8/10/2017 Pennsic War 46 Konrad and Aibhilin
Black Bolt, Award of the Temur Numuchi Kingdom of Northshield 2/24/2018 Lupercalia Kaydian and Cassandra
Order of Apollo's Arrow Temur Numuchi Kingdom of East 12/7/2019
Sagittarius, Order of the Temur Numuchi Kingdom of East 3/7/2020
Sovereign’s Award of Esteem, Order of the Temur Numuchi Kingdom of East 8/13/2020
Silver Wheel, Order of the Temur Numuchi Kingdom of East 2/21/2021
Territory Map
Postal Codes

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