Ysolt Pais de cuer Ysolt Pais de cuer

Known World Theater Arts Symposium

Hosted by: Kingdom of Atlantia

Start Date: 6/18/2021 Thru End Date: 6/20/2021 56
Lincoln Cultural Center
403 E Main St
Lincolnton NC 28092

Planned Activities: Classes
Whether your interest in theater is as patron or player you will enjoy this event. Classes throughout the day will help those wanting to make the theater of the past come alive. There will also be a variety of performances throughout the day. A call for classes and performances will happen starting in February. Watch the website for information.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and
safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to
infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person
events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to
take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under
your control as you believe to be necessary.

Site opens 8am and closes 10pm
 Cost Breakdown:
  Day-Trip Feast Camping
Adult, Member $12.00 $0.00 $0.00
Adult, Non-Member $17.00 $0.00 $0.00
Youth (12-17) $6.00 $0.00 $0.00
Child (0-11) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Make Checks Payable To: SCA, Inc., Barony of Sacred Stone
Cost Notes: Site fee includes both lunch and dinner for those that register in advance.

PayPal Registration: https://atlantia.sca.org/events/paypal-user-event-registration-form

Classes will happen throughout the day. To sign up to teach contact class coordinator, Lord Owen Wolfe at coclark18@gmail.com. Performances will also happen all day. If you or your group wishes to perform, contact Master James of Middle Aston at middleaston@yahoo.com.

A refreshing lunch will be prepared by Duchess Brianna and Master Talorgen, and hearty dinner will be served forth by Mister Fiona Macleod. The cost of both meals is included in the site fee. If you have dietary issues please email the event steward and she will pass on the info to all the cooks

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