Duke Hrodir and adviser Duke Hrodir and adviser
Photograph: Kitakaze Tatsu Raito and Elashava bas Riva
Principality Reign#: 13
Combatant Name: Kitakaze Tatsu Raito
Consort Name: Elashava bas Riva
Runner Up Combatant Name: Robert the Thunderous
Runner Up Consort Name: Isabelle de la Montagna
Coronet Tournament: Thirteenth Coronet Tournament/Twelfth Investiture
Coronet Tournament Date: 11/10/2001
Coronet Tournament Branch: Inner Sea
Investiture Event: Fourteenth Coronet Tournament/Thirteenth Investiture
Investiture Date: 5/4/2002
Investiture Branch: Korsväg


Princesses Sleeve Winner: Roisin igen Aillil

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