HE Marwen de la Rivere HE Marwen de la Rivere
Photograph: Saeric Scirham and Yasamin al-Hadiyya
Principality Reign#: 10
Combatant Name: Saeric Scirham
Consort Name: Yasamin al-Hadiyya
Runner Up Combatant Name: Aubrey Swyftwater
Runner Up Consort Name: Margaret MacGregor of Heather Glenn
Coronet Tournament: Tenth Coronet Tournament/Ninth Investiture
Coronet Tournament Date: 6/24/2000
Coronet Tournament Branch: Caer Anterth Mawr
Investiture Event: Eleventh Coronet Tournament/Tenth Investiture
Investiture Date: 11/11/2000
Investiture Branch: Coldedernhale


Princesses Sleeve Winner: Pedro de Carrion del los Condes Ramirez

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