1st Quarter 2006 President's Report
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 16:43:27 -0600
From: LMOORE2122@wi.rr.com
Subject: [Announcements] President's Report of the January, 2006
Quarterly Meeting
To: announcements@lists.sca.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA Inc.'s
most recent Board of Directors meeting, held January 21, 2006 in
Atlanta, Georgia, in the Kingdom of Meridies. This material may be
freely distributed, and those receiving it are strongly encouraged to
share this information with the general membership. Permission is
hereby granted to reprint all or part of this report in Kingdom,
Principality, and local newsletters. It is requested that the source
of the information be identified as "from the President's Report of
the January 2006 Board meeting" and that, as far as possible, exact
quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the official
Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between this
document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any
inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.
Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved
at the meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA
web site (http://www.sca.org/).
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on April 22, 2006 in
Richmond, Virginia, in the Kingdom of Atlantia. The deadline for
submission of agenda items is April 1, 2006.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Moore
President, SCA Inc.
Branch Status Changes
The Board took note of two new branches: the Canton of Skorragarthr
(Shawnee, OK), in the Kingdom of Ansteorra, and the Shire of Trewint
(Huron, SD) In the Kingdom of Northshield. There was one change in
status: the Shire of Moonschadowe, (Stillwater, OK) in the Kingdom of
Ansteorra, is now a Province. There were three branch dissolutions:
the Shire of Loch Dorr (Crawford Bay, BC) in the Kingdom of An Tir,
the Shire of Salt Keep (Panama City, FL) in the Kingdom of Meridies,
and the Shire of Ecorngil (San Jose, CA), in the Kingdom of the West.
Old Business
Society Exchequer Land-Use Policy
At the October 2005 quarterly meeting, the Society Exchequer asked
that the Land Use Policy be moved from the Chancellor of the
Exchequer’s Officers Handbook to Corporate Policies.
The policy reads:
A. Funds may be designated to the purchase or improvement of real
estate by branches, provided that the source, maintenance, and purpose
of any such funds are clearly designated within the branch’s financial
B. No representative of the SCA may financially obligate the SCA to
the purchase or substantial improvement of real estate without prior
approval of the Board of Directors. An improvement will be considered
to be substantial if :
(1) It requires a building permit or other clearance from
the local government;
(2) It increases the fair market value of the property, or
(3) It is constructed in a manner that makes its
portability to another site questionable or unfeasible.
C. A separate incorporation for the purpose of holding real
estate may be required by the Board of Directors.
By consensus, Chairman Williams ordered this item put before the
membership for comment. Commentary shall be due by March 31, 2006.
Family Membership
Section 1.B.4 of the Corporate Policies for the SCA Inc. currently
reads as follows:
4. Family Membership extends the privileges of Section I.B.I. to the
immediate family of a member defined in paragraphs B.1-B.2 of this
Article, who live at the same physical address as the member. This
type of membership is not considered a subscribing membership.
Per the membership application, the cost for family membership is:
• Family: $10.00 - Immediate family of a Sustaining or International
member residing at the same address. Family members are extended the
privileges of Associate membership. A maximum of $60 will be collected
from families with one Sustaining and three or more family members
($35+ $25).
This membership is meant for families, specifically immediate families
at the same address, to be able to enjoy membership at a reasonable
cost. We have, unfortunately, seen what appears to be a growing trend
of abuse of this membership type over the past few years, with as many
as 20 people applying under one family membership.
It is recommended that this be addressed by changing Section I.B.4 of
the Corporate Policies for the SCA, Inc. to read as follows:
4. Family Membership extends the privileges of Section I.B.I to one
additional adult and minors aged 17 and under who live at the same
physical address as a member defined in paragraphs B.1-B.2 of this
Article. This type of membership is not considered a subscribing
By consensus, Chairman Williams ordered this item put before the
membership for comment. Commentary shall be due by June 1, 2006.
New Business
Corporate Policies on Appeals
The Board of Directors wishes to clarify, in the Governing Documents,
the language regarding the appeal of sanctions. It is found in three
places: Corpora I.C.3; Corpora IV.G.4.c; and Corporate Policies
II.D.4. The substantial change in each is to note that one appeal
will be heard for each sanction, but any additional appeals must be
accompanied by new information in order to be heard.
Corpora IV.G.4.c currently reads as follows:
c. Notification: Upon receipt of a request for Board action affecting
membership, the Board shall notify the person(s) in question of when
the matter will be considered and invite all relevant documentation
and appeals. The Board will discuss and decide such a petition in
accordance with its rules. Regardless of how the process is initiated,
a revocation or denial of membership by the Board enforces exclusion
from all SCA events in all SCA kingdoms. Such a revocation or denial
of membership may be appealed, but such appeal must be accompanied by
new evidence which warrants re-examination by the Board. At the
conclusion of the imposed term of revocation or denial, or if an
appeal as provided above is accepted by the Board, exclusion from SCA
events shall be lifted, and the individual allowed to (re)apply for
membership in the SCA, unless membership is again denied.
It would be changed to read:
c. Notification: Upon receipt of a request for Board action affecting
membership, the Board shall notify the person(s) in question of when
the matter will be considered and invite all relevant documentation
and appeals. The Board will discuss and decide such a petition in
accordance with its rules. Regardless of how the process is initiated,
a revocation or denial of membership by the Board enforces exclusion
from all SCA events in all SCA kingdoms. Sanctions imposed or upheld
by the Board of Directors may be appealed as provided in Corpora
I.C.3. At the conclusion of the imposed term of revocation or denial,
or if an appeal as provided above is granted by the Board, exclusion
from SCA events shall be lifted, and the individual allowed to (re)
apply for membership in the SCA, unless membership is again denied.
Corporate Policies II.D.4. currently reads as follows:
4. Appeal
A revocation or denial of membership may be appealed, but such appeal
must be accompanied by new evidence that warrants re-examination by
the Board. At the conclusion of the imposed term of revocation or
denial, or if an appeal as provided above is accepted by the Board,
exclusion from SCA events shall be lifted, and the individual shall be
allowed to (re)apply for membership in the SCA, unless membership is
again denied.
It would be changed to read:
4. Appeal
Sanctions im
Posted by:
Unknown Contributor
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