Viscount Kenneth die Katze Viscount Kenneth die Katze

Fall Crown Tournament Requirements

Unto the great people of Northshield do We, Hans and Genevieve send greetings. We have come up with the rules and requirements for this upcoming Fall Crown Tournament. There will be two portions of the tournament. First will be a round robin, best 2 out of 3, fought with matching great weapons. The second part will be double elimination, best 2 out of 3, bring your best weapon. The top 4 fighters from the round robin pool or pools shall proceed to the double elimination portion of the tournament.
The great weapons will be, 5 foot longsword, 6 foot polearm, and 6 foot spear. Every first bout in the round robin portion shall be fought will 5 foot longsword. The spear and longsword will have no butt spike. The combatant that lost the bout will choose the next weapon style to be fought. Every bout shall be fought with a different weapon, and double kills will be re-fought. The size and how many round robin pools there are shall be decided on the day of crown tournament.
The double elimination portion of the tournament shall be made up of the top 4 fighters from 1 or more of the round robin pools. Whoever makes it to the double elimination portion of the tournament will declare their best weapon and fight with it the whole time. Doubles will be re-fought. No tournament weapons greater than 6' will be allowed, no throwing weapons, no combat archery, no daggers.
The finals shall be reset, and shall be best 2 out of 3 fights. Doubles will be re-fought.
Letters of Intent are due at Northshield's Fall Coronation on 9/11/2021. They shall be emailed to and  This letter should provide evidence of fulfillment of any requirements for entrance by the prospective combatant and consort and outline their involvement in diverse areas of the SCA.
All prospective combatants and their consorts must meet the minimum criteria in the Society Governing Documents, as well as the following requirements from the laws of Northshield:
•Each must be a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism and have access to the Northwatch.
•Each must have been a subject of Northshield for one year immediately before the Crown Tournament.
•All prospective combatants and their consorts must be acceptable to the Presiding Royalty.
•No one under 18 years old may fight or be fought for in a Crown Tournament.
•No member of the Royal Family may either fight or be fought for in a Crown Tournament.
•One member of the couple must also affirm that they can and will maintain the ability to legally cross the U.S./Canadian international border for the duration of their reign, should they be victorious, to ensure that they are free to travel to all parts of the Kingdom.
    All prospective combatants must hold a valid Northshield armoured combat authorization card. If the combatant does not hold all authorizations that will be used in the tournament, they will not be able to participate in the tournament.
    If Crown Tournament is not able to be held at the original site, it shall be held at 'Feast of the Boar's Head' on 12/4/2021.
Hans and Genevieve

Posted by: Hans Volsch on 7/14/2021

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