Lilith of Rolling Oaks and Arabella Nicola Giovanni Lilith of Rolling Oaks and Arabella Nicola Giovanni

January 2012 Northwatch Missive


First, I’d like to send a big thankyou to Baron Rodrigo de Montoya, who is finishing his term of service asKingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer. It’s been a joy working with you! Pleasewelcome Lady Tatiana of Varena to the role, starting at Greater Nordskogen’sTwelfth Night event.

Also, Viscountess Elashava bas Riva willsoon be stepping down as Kingdom Chronicler after a truly epic run as a kingdomlevel officer. Your Excellency, thank you so much for your constant dedication,fabulous organization, and your wonderful publication talents! And personally,thank you so much for being a counselor and a friend. Stepping into this role willbe Domna Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu, known as Deja.

One of the interesting aspects ofbeing a seneschal is that we are both the “Keeper of the Keys” on behalf ofTheir Majesties, and yet also are a critical part of the modern organizationthat is the SCA. One great advantage of this dual role is that we get tocelebrate *two* New Year’s every year!

So, at this modern New Year, I wantto take a moment to thank all of the seneschals of Northshield – branchseneschals and kingdom deputies all. It’s certainly not always an easy job, andyet you all work every day to keep our Society going. As I read the Domesdayreports streaming in from each group and meet with you at events, I am struckover and over again by your deep dedication to our community.

People of Northshield – please take amoment soon to thank your seneschal for their service– they deserve it!



Other missives from the Kingdom Seneschal
Posted by: Marwen de la Rivere Kingdom Seneschal on 1/1/2012

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