Greetingsunto the people of Northshield,
Wehave dispatched men to raze our enemies in the north. The mountains protect ourwestern borders, bounds of friendship and an exchange of hostages have securedour eastern and southern border and guaranteed us safe passage south.
Thetime has come to prepare yourselves for war. Gather your forces, sharpen yourweapons and see to your armor. Soon we travel south to the warm lands of GleannAbhann. Make sure your horses are shod and your wagons in good repair. Wetravel to stand with our brother Trimaris and fight against the Ansteorranhost. Travel with us and join us on the fields of valor. Whether it be archery,armored, rapier, arts or service stand as part of the mighty Griffin Army. Welook forward to defeating the weak southerners not hardened by the harsh gales,light stealing storms and bright days cold enough to freeze you where youstand. They have grown soft in their warm lands and do not have the gales ofwinter to temper their armies. Join us in the warm southern sun as wreak havocon our southern enemies.
P.S.the rumors of cannibals in our kingdom have been resolved.
Vladimir& Petranella