Greetings from your new Chatelaine, Lady Brigid ingen MaolMhichil!I just stepped up at Nordskogen’s Twelfth Night. I’d like to thank Eliane for all of her hard work as Kingdom Chatelaine and for her patience as I learn about this job. I hope to follow in her footsteps in making the position of both the kingdom and local chatelains more visible and active. I’d also like to make it my motto that “everyone is a Chalelain.” It definitely takes more then one person in a group to make newcomers feel welcome and make them want to come back, and we can all help spread the dream that is the SCA. To that end, I’d like for each of us to do what we can to make a newcomer feel welcome. No matter what the gesture, anything you can do is important and will definitely be appreciated!
As the end of winter (hopefully) approaches, we may be thinking about holding demos in the spring and summer months. I’d like to remind everyone (and especially seneschals and chatelains) about the demo policy of the SCA.
If you have any questions about this, demos in general or anything pertaining to newcomers, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Let’s make newcomers everyone’s business!
Yours in service,Brigid