It is now July, andJuly means summer, heat, and Warriors and Warlords. With the summer heat andvarious summer related activities, please remember to keep yourself wellhydrated and to protect your skin from the sun. With an event like Warriors andWarlords, it takes a lot of help to make the event run smoothly. If you are interestedin helping out please consider volunteering for a shift. Chirurgeons, if youare planning on making it to Warriors and Warlords and you wish to help out,please contact me with your availability as I am the CIC.
Just a reminder forthe Chirurgeons, please remember that you must be a Chirurgeon at least oneevent per year to maintain your warrant. Make sure you fill out a Chirurgeonreport if you were there, even if nothing happened. That way when I fill out myend of the year report, I can match events with the active Chirurgeonate.
I am still lookingfor a Western Regional Chirurgeon. If you are interested please contact me.
Have fun, be safe,and stay hydrated!