Morgan Olander
Jayson Chapman
King of Northshield
Lusche della Cassagio
Chantal St. Claire
Queen of Northshield
Vladimir Radescu
Scott Theisen
Prince of Northshield
Petranella Fitzallen of Weston
Salli Weston
Princess of Northshield
Marwen de la Riviere
Gretchen Burnham
Rodrigo de Montoya
Chris Lords
Stephen du Bois
Stephen Ward
Earl Marshal
Elashava bas Riva
Sue Gilbert
Anplica Fiore
Rachel Gray
Polaris Herald
Sorcha inghean Maille
Jonya Pacey
Minister of Arts & Sciences
Fiona the Younger
Lyn Andreasen
Fina ingen Aeda
Lorine Horvath
Law Clerk
Tatiana of Varena
Denise Plonis
Council Secretary
Meeting notes reviewed and approved by Marwen de la Riviere, May 30, 2011
I. Western Keep
II. Mistig Waetru
Mistig Waetru currently has no exchequer. Without an exchequer, the shire is in suspension.
Rigo has no confidence in the group. He has not heard anything from the person who had volunteered to be exchequer.
Action item: Group has a deadline of the end of August to find an exchequer. Rigo and Marwen will work on steps to be taken if no exchequer is found.
III. Chronicler
Elashava has extended her warrant as Kingdom Chronicler, but is still looking for a replacement.
The format of the Northwatch seems to be okay, although she has heard some comments about it arriving late to some people.
IV. Webminister
It was recommended that the Kingdom Webminister should be a Great Officer position.
After some discussion, the recommendation was unanimously passed.
Action item: Marwen and Fina will work on the proper procedures to follow, since this would require a law change.
V. Agenda Items
VII. Officer Updates
Earl Marshal: Turnover happened today in court. Stephen du Bois was appointed and recognized in today’s court. Thank you Gunther!
Law Clerk: Fina ingen Aeda has taken over this position.