The army of Northshield at Pennsic 27 (1997) The army of Northshield at Pennsic 27 (1997)

March 2011 Northwatch Missive

Greetings Northshield,

Hey guess what? It’s March, that means spring is here. Yeah!Right! Well, according to the calendar spring is here but the snow in my backyard says it is still winter, so who knows?

One thing I do know is that Coronation will happen nextmonth in the Shire of Rivenwood Tower. Thanks to those good folks and theothers who did get bids in for this. You will unfortunately not see muchadvertising as the bids and acceptance came in very late and there was just notenough time.

Which brings me to Crown, as of this writing, while we arefinalizing some information on a bid; the bids themselves have not yet beendecided on. Again, this very late input on events is definitely going to affectthe advertising. Groups, if you are interested in getting in a bid for aKingdom level event, do it sooner rather than later. In all reality, we shouldalready have approved next Fall’s Crown and Coronation and be requesting bidsfor Spring 2012 Crown and Coronation.

Speaking of events, Officers’ Day will be held again. Thefine folks at Caer Anterth Mawr will be hosting this on April 16th. Officers,if at all possible try to make it to this. It will give you chance to meet yourKingdom level boss, if you don’t know them, and to discuss stuff that affectsyour office and job. Details will be forthcoming on this event also.

My Friends, my time as your Seneschal is just about over. AtCoronation I will be stepping down and being replaced by a very fine person,Baroness Marwen de la Rivere. So if I may, I would like to say thanks to a fewfolks who have made my time as Seneschal one that I will remember for a longtime.

To my predecessors--Katriona, Elashava, and Fiskr: Youradvice, your corporate memory and your friendship have been a help and kept me balancedthroughout this. I greatly appreciate it.

To my regional Seneschals--Freydis, Friedrich, Ddevon:  You folks have been great. I could not havedone this without you all stepping in, taking on some of the things I haveasked you to. You are great--all of you.

To my group Seneschals: You people have been fun to workwith. Sometimes a bit of a challenge, but always fun. Your groups are lucky tohave you.

To my fellow Council members and other Kingdom Levelofficers: Wow, what a great bunch of folks. It has been my pleasure to haveworked with you all these last two years and see the inner workings of how thisKingdom operates with you.

To the Royal Families I have served:  True Ladies and Gentlemen you have been. Servingwith you for the benefit of our Kingdom has been a blessing to me. I thank you.

To the wonderful people of Northshield: All I can say isthat you are the best. I have been welcomed everywhere I have traveled andgotten to know some of you better than I had hoped. Thank you, for you are whatmakes this hobby the great joy it is. You are the reason that it Great to be Northshield!

I Remain,

Other missives from the Kingdom Seneschal
Posted by: David de Bohun Kingdom Seneschal on 3/1/2011

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