Master Fiskr Hammondson takes Viscountess Astrid of the Yellow Rose for a ride on his mighty stead Master Fiskr Hammondson takes Viscountess Astrid of the Yellow Rose for a ride on his mighty stead

Reporting Made Easy

Please note that these are the reporting rules for Northshield, and if you are from another Kingdom, your schedule and/or information may vary.  These rules are current as of March 2011.


Marshal in Training or Group Marshal: Report BY March 1,June 1, September 1 and December 1 to your Regional officer.

Marshal of the Field: Report BY June 1 and December 1 to your Regional officer.

Regional Marshals: Compile the reports you get and report BY March 5, June 5, September 5 and December 5 to your Kingdom officer.

Regional marshal e-mail addresses are,,and  Those addresses should remain the same even when the regional they are directed to occasionally change.  Likewise, the Kingdom archery marshal should always be reachable at

Kingdom Marshal: Compile the reports you get and report BY March 15, June 15, September15 and December 15 to your Society officer.


There are two ways to report right now.  You only need to do one, not both. 

Method 1: E-mail the appropriate officer.  Here’s an easy form to copy and paste – fill out the info to make sure the marshal database the officer is keeping can be up to date.

Mundane Name:

SCA Name:

Membership number:

Membership expiration date:


Phone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Affiliated Group: (barony, canton, shire, etc.)

Region: (East, West, or Central)

Marshal Status: (Marshal of the Field, Group Marshal or Marshal in Training)

Report:  [Here is where you include information about your activities for that period – how many practices and/or events have you marshaled at (approximately)?  Were there any issues or good things that you encountered?  What are the participant numbers like at these times, what kinds of contests were run, etc?  Do you have any questions or concerns?]


Method 2: Report on the Northshield website, here:

You must log in to be able to report. The website reporting option has a character limit, so if you need to update information or write an extended amount, it may be best to directly-mail your regional (method 1.)


Really, it’s that easy!  Don’t let your membership lapse, make sure you keep current on any rulebook changes(via the website and the Northwatch) and don’t forget to report!




Posted by: Jois Corbet Kingdom Archer General (KLO) on 3/2/2011

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