Greetings Armored Combatants and welcome to the beginning of the war season! Even here in the frozen north things are starting to thaw out and I think that I can see my pell poking through the snow-bank. With summer upon us, it is time to look at a couple of things as we take the field for war:
We are working on the Armored Combatant Database. You will be seeing forms to fill out with your authorization information. Please help out the Clerk of the Roster by filling out a form sometime this season.
Finally, remember to fight as much as you can. A good chunk of our combat involves endurance. If we are to support the war plans of our King, we will all have to be in our top form for the wars that we are to fight. So, get to the pell work and make sure that you hit practices whenever you can! I will be seeing you all at Beltaine by the Bay in Darkstone, Crown Tournament in Nordskogen, and perhaps ARRG or Ages of War.
Have fun, and follow Kevin’s Rules™.Cy