Douglas of Yorke Douglas of Yorke


Greetings Citizens of Northshield,

The warm winds of summer are upon us. We now have champions and soon will have Heirs. Our Champions, decided by combat; will be leaders within the Martial, Rapier and Arts communities.

The Day of Champions was a huge success. Viscountes Gwyneth won the arts and science competition with flair. The contest drew many spectators and then took center stage for the finals. Sir Dafydd ap Gwalchmai won the armored combat and he will be a noble an honorable champion representing Us well on and off the field. Finally, Ambrose Paust, won victory from the 16 other rapier combatants in a tournament described as one of the best ever for honor and skill.

We are looking for more leaders within the great Kingdom of Northshield. We are still without counsel from the Orders of the Bridget’s Flame, Destrer, Iron Griffin and Aquila. It is our wish to see these groups come together as the Tyr and White Scarf have in order to better serve the Kingdom and the Crown.

We are also looking for leaders on and off the battlefield. Wars and border skirmishes dominate the summer calander and we must show our neighbors that we did not idle away the winter months. Each barony, shire, village and household must take ownership of their role in the army. On the field we must see units that train together and can work as a team. Off the field we need water bearers and others to show support for the Kingdom. Sir Kadian will be the warlord for the season and We will be expecting great things from our citizens.

Finally, please continue to send reccomendation for awards, and, if there is a way you wish to serve the Kingdom please ask, we are always ready to hear a new idea.

Yours ever in service,

Lars and Mary

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Lars I and Mary I Their Royal Majesties on 5/1/2006

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