Innokenti "Kenya" Rublyov and Alisdair Lockran Innokenti "Kenya" Rublyov and Alisdair Lockran


Greetings Northshield!

The days begin to lengthen and early signs of spring naturally turn Our thoughts to the upcoming summer season with its numerous opportunities for combat. Fighters’ School will be held in just a few days, and We encourage any who wish to improve their skills in the arts martial to attend. Numerous classes in rattan and rapier combat will be offered to whet our appetites for battle.

Fighters’ School will also see the investiture of Sir Alexandre Blackstone of Yorkshire and Viscountess Morgan Camelen Melintaur as the next Baron and Baroness of Windhaven. Their Excellencies Dagr and Leaina have guided Windhaven well and We thank them for their generous service to Northshield.

Inspired by the classes at Fighters’ School, We expect to see many Northshielders make the journey south to Gleann Abhann, who will host her first Gulf Wars as a kingdom. As We have mentioned previously, We intend to swell the size of Northshield’s rapier army to numbers even greater than those brought forth by Our ancestor Siegfried. Join Us in further increasing Northshield’s word-fame at this first war of the year.

At Gulf Wars We will present the full outpouring of Northshield’s generosity in creating scrolls and scroll blanks for Gleann Abhann. It is not too late to make a donation; as long as scrolls are in Our hands before We leave for Gulf Wars after Fighters’ School, they will be put to good use in Gleann Abhann.

After slaking our battle thirst at Gulf Wars, We turn to the (somewhat more) gentle bardic arts. The Shire of Trewint will host Bardic Madness on the twenty-fifth day of this month. We have issued a Royal Challenge for all to participate in at this event: Black and Gold are colors most dear to Our hearts. Based on Northshield’s colors, create a comedic piece in any format that does not inspire mirth at the Kingdom’s expense. We are sure that Our immensely talented artists will provide many entertaining performances on this theme, as well as many others planned for Northshield’s premier Bardic event.

In ever joyous service to Northshield,

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Æsa and Kitadate-tenno Their Royal Majesties on 3/1/2006

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